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Watch: Bill Polian Was Way Wrong About
Filed Under: LSU Football
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northLAgoomba57 months
HB's entire life has been about overcoming obstacles and proving the "experts" wrong. I love this guy. Great rep of LSU and Louisiana.
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Tiger in Texas57 months
One of the 5 best college players over the past 20 years! Pretty damn good pro career too!
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Polian was right about TM7 being disrespectful to his teammates
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tigbit57 months
That’s the funny thing about criticism, usually without it, there is no correction. He should thank Pollan and others like him and then move on. His actions speak louder than any tweet.
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Buckeye Jeaux57 months
this is what happens when administrative bean-counters become MSM "football experts".
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy57 months
Bill wasn’t just negative he was a first class a-hole about it
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LafourcheTiger57 months
I’m happy for Tyrann that he turned his life around and grew up. Everyone makes mistakes and should be given the opportunity to redeem themselves. With that said, based on what people knew about Tyrann at the time Polian’s analysis was pretty spot on.
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rbdallas57 months
The kid took it like a man. Paid his penalty and moved on, that could/should have been the story.
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Tiger_Style57 months
We wll wish our grannies were beside us, TM. We all do.
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km57 months
Team captain of three different franchises/teams. I didn’t know that. Very impressive. Go Tigers
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Gumbo157 months
Mmmmmm. Crow. Yum, yum, yum!
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Tiger198857 months
Mathieu was also the Chiefs MVP last year and not the guy that won the MVP from his own team. They said they don’t win if not for him. That is incredible about what really goes on in the locker room.
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keitron157 months
bill polian should climb right back into the coffin he worships and quit drankin that hatorade....
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LSULyle0069057 months
Bill pollian has a right to his opinion. Sure he was wrong, it’s impossible to be right about every single player
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biglego57 months
Honey Badger is awesome. All time LSU Tiger.
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noonan57 months
He sounds like half the rant around that time. People were hating on tm constantly. Saying very similar stuff to polian.
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Hangit57 months
TM7 has done great things. His issues came when he was young. PP7 forced him to grow up and showed him how a grown man acts.
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Jesus Magillicutty57 months
I love Tyrann's response. What a class act! He's one of my all time favorite Tigers because of these way he got his sh!p together.
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Lago Gato57 months
I consider Tyrann the best playmaker that I’ve ever seen .
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Whiznot57 months
Bill polian is a total piece of crap. Polian is the reason I quit watching NFL Today years ago. I couldn't understand why others on that show kept kissing Polian's arse.
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km57 months
Let’s not get carried away. I don’t believe Polian took a knee.
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coachw57 months
The Honey Badger, one of the greatest to ever play in the SEC. PERIOD!!
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