Favorite team:Georgia 
Location:Albany, GA
Interests:Computers Sports
Number of Posts:7033
Registered on:10/6/2013
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Beaches are wonderful. I go to Destin and love it. I like to feel the hot sun on bare skin. The sound of waves is soothing, especially at night going to sleep. Breathing in salty air has amazing health benefits. Sunsets are beautiful on the water. Electrical storms out over the gulf at night look co...
Vegetables and fiber. But I admit that I hate both and never consume either....

re: OT- Rain

Posted by Whiznot on 7/25/24 at 11:41 am
Large scale row crop production is extremely damaging to the the environment. Topsoil is lost and what's left is depleted of microbes and minerals. Clearing and plowing vast acreages wipes out animal populations. Vegetable farming creates much more greenhouse gasses than raising cattle does. Huma...
There is always danger in large crowds anywhere in the United States. Maybe anywhere on Earth. I remember large numbers of people being trampled to death in religious celebrations in Israel and Mecca. Bad things can happen when large groups of people gather in tight proximity. How many maniacs are a...

re: What is it about Ohio State?

Posted by Whiznot on 7/7/24 at 1:23 pm
OSU players get to beat up lesser players from lesser teams almost guaranteeing a playoff appearance. Michigan wasn't ever supposed to be a threat....
[link=(https://nbcmontana.com/news/nation-world/biden-mistakenly-claims-hes-the-first-black-woman-to-serve-with-a-black-president-president-white-house-gaffe-new-york-times-barack-obama-kamala-harris-fouth-of-july-philadelphia-mental-fitness-debate-trump-november-election)]I never knew that dementia...
I did a 72 hour fast. My blood glucose level went down to 40. I've done several fasts over 60 hours. Hunger is never a problem because I don't eat carbohydrates....

re: Cataract surgery - UPDATE #2

Posted by Whiznot on 7/2/24 at 3:27 pm
I know people whose cataracts cleared after they ditched seed oils and carbs. I don't eat bad foods. At 75, I'm wondering whether my eyes will just stay clear like they are now. My BIL had the surgery and the lens he chose eliminated his need for reading glasses. I hate being dependent on readers....

re: Your favorite current snack?

Posted by Whiznot on 6/30/24 at 5:37 pm
2020 was the year of my last snack. Being hungry for snacks is a sign of nutritional deficiency....

re: Questions unanswered on Covid virus

Posted by Whiznot on 6/19/24 at 7:33 am
[link=(https://x.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1803143702090752279)]Strong argument that the Wuhan lab created SARS2[/link]...

re: Questions unanswered on Covid virus

Posted by Whiznot on 6/18/24 at 9:16 am
SARS-CoV-2 was created to justify the sale of mRNA vaccines. That coronavirus was designed with a furin cleavage site giving it the unique ability to enter cells through ace2 receptors. Researchers led by the University of Oregon conducted a search comparing the genome of SARS-CoV-2 with a large ...
Here is why Bannon should be jailed. Bannon scammed people who were told that their contributions would be used to build the border wall. None were....
Pick Rudy for VP...and I would vote for Trump. Rudy as a possible president is the only thing that could be more hilarious than Trump was as president. Biden is never funny--he's just sad....
It's is a big credit to Nick Saban that he realized it was time to go. I can understand sentimental Gumps unwillingness to accept reality. The coach that Bama was finally forced to accept was the one man who wasn't chickenshit....
I think so. Nick had been losing it the last few years and DeBoer is entering his prime. The Gumps are lucky because Saban could never be fired. I have UGA and Bama as 1 and 2 in the SEC this year....
The CIA is republican. In Russ Baker's book Family of Secrets George HW Bush was reported as instrumental the Watergate take down of Nixon. Bush became a covert CIA agent before he was 20. Another Bush power move below? Maybe. [link=(https://whowhatwhy.org/politics/government-integrity/bush...

re: 2024 NSFW Babe Thread

Posted by Whiznot on 6/7/24 at 3:44 pm
The $130,000 wasn't a business expense or a campaign expense. The IRS would categorize Trump's payment to keep quiet about sex as a personal expense....
I like to grab a loose cart, carry it into the store. On exit I leave it loose for the next smart person....
There hasn't been a colossal futile bloodbath for a long time. Biden is exactly the type of man to order a patriotic senseless slaughter....