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Lolo Jones Gives Us An Update On Her Dating Life
by Larry Leo
April 16, 202165 Comments

Noah K. Murray-USA TODAY Sports
Lolo Jones is still looking for that special someone. This week she jumped on Instagram to give us an update and how it's going...
Lol time to life rant. I have options but for the first time I’m really just bored with dating. I think after so many times of getting my hopes up that I will meet your person... you just get over it. You give up hope.
Look I’m no spring chicken. I’m 38 years old. I’m not at an age where I can pretend... like in my 20s “oh I’m not looking for anything serious” when I was totally wanting to get married at that age.
Now when you talk to guys at this age they know most likely you are looking for something serious... they don’t even ask. The good news about being this age and talking to other guys this age is, they are usually serious about dating and meeting their match too. What a relief. I’m glad I’m out of the 20s dealing with the just want to have fun guys.
But even still... Its hard to date. It’s always the same story, picking between two extremes. One guy is a Christian one guy is not. One guy is a workaholic the other one unmotivated. I’m torn between personality or character. Looks or morals. And honestly lately... The dates all want me to travel to them. *coughs* RISK global pandemic date OR be a cat women for the rest of my life. Hard call.
so basically I just have phone calls. I get bored because I feel I am never going to meet someone in person. Dammit I’m losing the last prime year of my life to lock down my husband before my face melts. I swear covid year gave me 10 extra grey hairs. Really not helping the cause to lock someone down before I get “old old.”
Yup so that’s my rant. If anyone else is frustrated by the dating scene and want more tea my book is linked in bio. For those that pre order we are working on a special something something to keep you encouraged... cheers to all the singles. I feel your pain. Cats are not so bad
Filed Under: Summer Olympics
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