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Occupation:Management Consultant
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Registered on:12/29/2006
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Umbrella chick could be uglier....
Yeah. I think I’ve had enough. Got better shite to do....
I haven’t kept up with the Olympics but is this some sort of thing or theme that’s being represented?...
Tons of gay in this shite show....
I am a little bit surprised they’re not using a burning American flag to use as a torch for the Olympic flame. And look at these spastic motherfrickers...
[quote]Even the dancers look like they haven't practiced. The entire line was off and looked like shite [/quote] And the dudes...
[quote]This, so far, might be the worst Opening Ceremony ever. This is comically bad[/quote] I came here to say this. Also: That Lady Gaga bit was painful....
Once one becomes red pilled, it’s impossible not to see it all as it truly is....
For me everything. In the 2+ years I cared for my dying wife I refused to think about life after her because when I did I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. So I stayed in the present only focusing on what was next in her treatment and what she needed right now. When it happened this ...
[quote]If you're ok with invading Mexico, you should be ok with invading Afghanistan.[/quote] There will always be opposition to everything ...
[quote]Just want to make sure we're consistent here.[/quote] In your view what would be being consistent?...
[quote]There are better ways at handling this.[/quote] Let’s hear them....
Why not eradicate the Drug and Human Trafficking cartels on our border using the full force and might of our intelligence and military? Mexico should/could be a great country given their size and natural resources. South of the border should/could be a playground for tourists and outdoor enthusia...
The gay dudes always with the theme park smile....
At first I thought you were talking about the serial killer...
Cottage cheese is good stuff. Put one of those really small cans of mixed fruit in syrup in a bowl of cottage cheese and you’ll change your tune....