© Adam Sparks / The Tennessean
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (Feb. 14, 2023)-----The Southeastern Conference will implement new initiatives and rules for the 2023 baseball season intended to reduce game times and elevate the fan experience. These changes apply to Conference vs. Conference games and the SEC Tournament.

The new rules include game clock initiatives for conference games. The game clock policies are a supplement to existing NCAA Playing Rules, which remain applicable.

-Between Batters Clock: A 30-second timer between hitters shall start at the conclusion of the prior play as indicated by the umpire’s final signal of “safe” or “out”, or other clear indication that the prior play has concluded. Consistent with NCAA pitch clock protocols, the batter shall be alert to the pitcher with 10 seconds or more remaining and the pitcher shall begin the motion to deliver the first pitch of the at-bat prior to the expiration of the 30-second clock.

-Mound Visit Clock: A 30-second timer on a mound visit shall begin when a coach exits the dugout or when a defensive player leaves their position to visit the pitcher’s mound. Unless the coach signals for a pitching change, the coach must leave the mound when (or before) the timer expires. The mound visit clock shall not operate when a doctor or trainer accompanies a coach to evaluate a medical issue. Upon expiration of the 30-second clock, the 20-second NCAA pitch clock shall commence.

-Pitching Change Clock: A 2:30 (2 minutes and 30 seconds) timer on a pitching change shall begin when a new pitcher who is entering the game, either at the start of an inning or as part of a mid-inning pitching change, crosses the warning track (or otherwise leaves the bullpen area if the bullpen is on the playing field). Upon expiration of the clock, the NCAA 20-second pitch clock shall commence.

The SEC will also implement a 10-run rule for conference games. The policy stipulates that a contest shall be stopped after seven innings if one team is ahead by at least 10 runs, in accordance with NCAA playing rules. The 10-run rule shall also be utilized for all non-conference competition with the consent of the coach of the non-conference opponent. If the coach of the non-conference opponent does not consent, the game shall be played in its entirety consistent with NCAA playing rules.

The SEC has also revised the inclement weather policy related to the final game of a conference series on Sunday when the visiting team does not have classes on the following day (Monday). The policy specifies if the visiting team’s institution does not have classes the following day (Monday), general curfew policies shall be waived. If the curfew is waived, no game may start after 10 p.m. local time or resume after midnight local time.

(Release via LSU Athletics)
Filed Under: LSU Baseball
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LSUvet7223 months
Coaches better get in shape to trot to mound or what? No mention of penalties if visit is 40, 50 0r 60 secs?
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beauchristopher23 months
The 30 second mound visit clock seems absurd. It's simply not enough time to get out there and have a discussion. The idea of speeding up the game is silly. Baseball fans know what they are getting into. I don't want to see coaches hustle, because of a timer. At least change that to more time. Who votes on this? Can they appeal this ridiculous thing?
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Twenty 4923 months
They instituted some rules like this in minor leagues. Many grumbled but later admitted that the rules were not a problem, and they cut several minutes off the avg. game time.
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atltiger648723 months
the purists are upset, but these are good changes. Baseball is a slow sport, by its very nature, and needs to minimize the dead time. These rules make sense.
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AtlantaLSUfan23 months
I like every rule except the pitch timer. They waste more time penalizing the pitcher and discussing it with the coach than just giving him 2 more seconds to pitch.
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saint tiger22523 months
Why can't the pitcher pitch 2 secs earlier?
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MrWalkingMan23 months
Who are these rules designed for? If someone has enough interest to watch a college baseball game (or be at one), they probably don’t care if the game lasts and extra 10-15 minutes

Perhaps this is intended to drive TV appeal, in which case I’m glad people want to watch us. But I have little faith that the broadcast will actually be any shorter. They’ll likely just fill the time they save with commercials
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jm_177623 months
What's the point of trying to make the games move faster... "to make the game appeal to more fans."

This mindset is so dumb. They are not going to bring "new" fans to the game because of these dumbarse "rules." They're going to slowly push away people that actually like the game making all this a net loss in interest and fans.
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Jdublsu23 months
Yay baseball
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rob6223 months
I bet you love you some Women’s Basketball don’t you? Yay bouncyball.
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ForLSU5623 months
Admins. Can't you block this crap.
Amazing! I've been making $85 every hour since i started freelancing over the internet half a year ago...............
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G I Jeaux23 months
Let's fix something that's not broken.
If the time is a problem for you stay home.
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NASA_ISS_Tiger23 months
So does the batter get a walk if the pitcher rule is violated? Does the defense get a strike if the batter violates his rule? Next up: Go to the plate with a 2-1 count and 2nd foul ball is an out.
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Quatre Pot23 months
Tried to figure out a way to write how much I hate this but words do not do it justice
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Le Tenia23 months
So what's the punishment for breaking some of these dumbass rules? Are they going to utilize the use of golf carts from the dugout and bullpens? Ridiculous rules that do nothing to improve the sport with the exception of changing the weather policy.
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Black n Gold23 months
The 10 run-rule is so soft. These guys are playing in the best baseball conference in America. Some of them are getting paid to do so. Take the beat down baw.
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Yeti_Chaser23 months
This won't cut off any meaningful game time. In fact anytime a delay of game is called it will delay the game more than it will help. People who actually watch baseball don't care how long the games take anyway. A 2:30 second clock for a pitching change is also a player safety issue. The only ways to actually reduce game time is reducing the number of mound visits and pitching changes and removing replay, all of which hurt the quality of the game
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Spelt it rong23 months
I only disagree on the 2:30 clock. The pitcher should be ready for action upon leaving the bullpen. That gives him plenty of time to get to the mound (try moving quickly instead of walking), throw a few pitches, and resume play.
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DeafVallyBatnR23 months
outlawing the best part of baseball. Gamesmanship and pissing the fans off.
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theBru23 months
I can see Rice's spry ole coach not making any visits to the mound, time he reached the foul line, he would have to turn around.
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PhillyTiger9023 months
“ The mound visit clock shall not operate when a doctor or trainer accompanies a coach to evaluate a medical issue.”

Can’t wait for this one to get taken advantage of
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cajunmud23 months
I always thought that I was getting more for my money when what I paid for went longer than, movies, escorts.
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Northshoretiger8723 months
This doesn’t appear to have been well thought out.
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wileyjones23 months
anything except shortening commercial breaks
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AtlantaLSUfan23 months
Baseball doesn’t have commercial breaks. They play between the half innings and pitcher changes.
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