Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:10380
Registered on:10/30/2012
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1st drop definitely affected the 2nd. He's in his head.
Shaughn Peighton was a former coach for the New Orleans Saints.

Wonder if I might need to put it on an ipad so I don't have to have my phone dedicated to it during meetings?

Yeah we've connected a device (laptop/phone) with one of the Teams speakers that takes our notes in the conference room. Works as expected.
We use fireflies

Gives a nice summary of discussion topics, tasks, etc.

re: Carr V. Milton

Posted by Spelt it rong on 2/12/25 at 10:20 am

and we aren’t getting a game changer in the fifth

That's the best part of the draft... you never know.

re: How does one become a fan?

Posted by Spelt it rong on 2/12/25 at 9:39 am
My friends watched F1 and I generally wasn't interested in racing. I watched Drive to Survive at their request and fell in love with the sport. Still learning 4 years later.

Grew up a Braves fan because they were on TV locally and my dad/brother liked them.

Saints / LSU because Louisiana

9 and 10 this year. Hoping these are the last.

re: Moore to NOLA

Posted by Spelt it rong on 2/9/25 at 9:09 pm
Gets to be a head coach in the NFL...There are 32 total in the world. Does this need to be spelled out for anyone?
We were down McCoy for most of the game IIRC. The wheels fell off after that
With Kellen Moore? That's all it took?

Who still has Cox? Welcome to the 21st century Boomer.

I do unfortunately. The 1st phase of the neighborhood development only has Cox available. All other phases have 3+ options. The moment I have AT&T available, I'm switching over to fiber.

re: Cap Numbers all in one chart

Posted by Spelt it rong on 1/31/25 at 1:41 pm

The goal is to have the dead cap become less and less over the 2026 and 2027.

Well this started in like 2014 and it feels like that's been the goal for the entire time we've pulled this shite.
Grew up a Braves fan. All my friends were Astros fans growing up. Very rarely came across Yankees fans.

Now we just need to get rid of the bleachers. Looks cheap!

Many other issues needing to be addressed before outfield bleachers.

Batter's Eye
Grandstand Chair Backs
Add in PVC pipe to exterior facade
Berm in the outfield (ain't happening)
Outfield Chairbacks

re: I can’t watch the Super Bowl

Posted by Spelt it rong on 1/26/25 at 8:49 pm
Chiefs fatigue along with hating the Iggles got me not wanting to watch either. I still will because I love football. But I don't wanna

It clearly shows a guy walking his dog and a meteorite hitting between his legs
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
The defense doesn't let you just run to the marker uncovered.