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Registered on:6/4/2014
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Death isn't the only lasting impact of Polio. My parents had/have a few friends that got it as kids and they were crippled by it, walked with a two arm canes, etc. their whole lives since childhood.

Yep. Those are the folks I think of when I hear polio.

As of last December, the

re: Oven Baked Brisket with Au Jus

Posted by Twenty 49 on 2/7/25 at 4:42 am
Oven baked brisket is a Jewish staple of the holidays.

Per Wkipedia:

[quote]Brisket is a popular Ashkenazi Jewish dish of braised beef brisket, served hot and traditionally accompanied by potato or other non-dairy kugel, latkes, and often preceded by matzo ball soup. It is commonly served for

re: Concealed Carry at Parades

Posted by Twenty 49 on 2/6/25 at 2:25 pm
It's a good question and not so simple to explain, but the constitutional carry law recently passed still includes the prohibition against carrying at parades.

Here's how you get there.

La RS 14:95(A)(1) is the statute that makes it a crime to illegally carry a weapon.

A. Illegal carrying
I'd do a mix of these three


High Yield Savings to save for future vehicles or whatever else we need it for.

Put more into her 401K. Putting 8% now.

Put more in my Employers Simple IRA. Currently doing 3.5% to get the match
IROC auto racing. Equally prepared cars with drivers from different series (IndyCar, NASCAR, IMSA, World of Outlaws, NHRA, etc.)

Bonus: product spinoffs like this

re: Bar harbor Maine question

Posted by Twenty 49 on 2/6/25 at 5:11 am
We flew into Bangor and drove a rental to BH and Acadia NP for 4 days. Stayed at the Bar Harbor Inn, which was nice but expensive. Early June, just before the season kicks off, and it was still cool and uncrowded. They said that mid-June is like a switch flips, and the crowds flock in. We toured the

re: Chicago CTA Trains?

Posted by Twenty 49 on 2/6/25 at 4:58 am
I was there as a tourist a few years ago. Got a pass for train/bus and hit the road. Used the trains/buses every day for a week. No further south on red than Chinatown, and north to Addison for Wrigley. Went to the end of green (plus walk/Lyft) to visit the Frank Loyd Wright house and Johnnie's Beef
Jefferson, Texas has held one for several years. Parade is March 1 this year.

Toured a very nice house on the Parade of Homes that included a decent sized room with no windows, and everything, walls and ceiling, was painted black. It had some gym equipment in it.

I asked the real estate agent what the deal was, and they said it belonged to an ER physician who worked odd s

re: Grammy's are ridiculous.....

Posted by Twenty 49 on 2/2/25 at 8:43 pm
Three threads with “Grammy’s” in the titles.

There is no apostrophe in Grammys.
I knew about it based in news reports from the time, and I haven’t watched any NBA in years.

re: Amazon Pick Up locations

Posted by Twenty 49 on 2/2/25 at 5:38 pm
Whole Foods near us has lockers for secure delivery. I get my packages sent to my office, but I tested the Whole Foods system once, and it worked well.

Our WF also recently expanded and improved the area for making returns.
My cousin earned a Purple Heart in a trade war. He got it for paying double for the lumber to frame his house. It was American lumber, but the seller jacked up their prices to match the increase by tariffed Canadian imports.

re: Last Man on Earth

Posted by Twenty 49 on 2/1/25 at 6:47 pm
Will Forte fans can catch him in a decent limited series, Bodkin, on Netflix. He plays a podcaster who goes to Ireland to investigate an old mystery.
Some of them left one federal job to take a remote one based several states away, such as for the agency headquarters office in DC. Gonna suck if they have to “return” to an office they’ve never worked in and is in another region of the country.
The one in Shreveport started as a regular Rotolo’s, then transitioned to the Craft and Crust version. I went to both a few times, usually when someone else wanted to, and I never had a pizza that I considered even average. If I had to return, I’d just drink beer and eat wings.
Went to a Caddo Lake boat ramp a few months back, and they were having a kayak bass tournament with dozens of entries. There are organizations that operate multiple such tournaments, so kayak fishing is obviously quite popular.

I like their massive baked potatoes

I'd like to know how they source those giants.

re: Number 24 - Netflix

Posted by Twenty 49 on 1/31/25 at 5:58 am
Good movie. An earlier thread had several positive recommendations. LINK
I go for the Manager's Special with 1/4 turkey muffuletta and a cup of either seafood gumbo, chili, or fire-roasted tortilla soup.