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Registered on:9/10/2013
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The people in his district

You mean the communist, progressives in Austin, Texas.

They love the POS

location....location... location

Connection..... corruption..... connection
This SOB needs to be excommunicated from the National Cathedral !

I’ll let the Lord judge him in the end

up to Cassidy

Better be for or Cassidy will be primaried
Ms Woodward please stay off of TD.
Carville is a cancer on LSU.

How does LSU separate itself from such a loser?

Seriously, I could suggest a number of things but on an official basis how can LSU accomplish this seeing that 60- 70 % of Louisiana voters are conservative.

He’s an embarrassment and a deterrent to bringing good s
Recess Congress and get them all in and quit wasting time with Dems with TDS
DMZ 2 miles inside of Mexico.......

Infra- red drones just pick off the cartel groups that are found in the zones.

:spank: :usa:
Drop him out of a plane over Haiti with just 1/2 of a chute.

Tell him if he comes back he will jump from 25,000 ft with nonchute

Gay marriage is unconstitutional and satanic.

No mor gay rainbows lights on the White House.


re: San Diego is now on fire

Posted by LSUvet72 on 1/21/25 at 7:33 pm
They just a huge gang bust.


re: KJP and Doocy Flirting

Posted by LSUvet72 on 1/21/25 at 7:31 pm
Trump new press sec is pleasant and more pleasant to look at


re: DC Gulag - Prisoners WALKING OUT!

Posted by LSUvet72 on 1/21/25 at 3:11 pm
Freedom for Jeremy Brown......... Trump needs to put that judge on notice publically. Vigilante breakout needed and all guards put on notice.... “Don’t Fock with Us, You Nazi MFers “. We are here until you release ALL and you guards will be followed home.
No more anchor babies but can we made that retroactive?