Watch Hafthor Bjornsson Deadlift 1,104 Pounds, Setting New World Record
Jerome Miron-USA TODAY Sports
Check out Hafthor Bjornsson set a new word record...
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Filed Under: General Sports
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nola00052 months
Hafthor? Looks like Wholethor to me.
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nola00052 months
ETA: Dammit! Me and my German jokes
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SomeLSUguy52 months
I may be most impressed that blood did not coming pouring out of his eyes, ears, nose, or all of the above.
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GB1017LSU52 months
The Mountain!!
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Flashback52 months
That's a big ole juice monkey.
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jimbeam52 months
That was the warm up right?
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Now that's a Viking. Look how big that mutrf$#kr is. Wow!
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Fat Bastard52 months
looks like a monster out lord of the rings.
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griswold52 months
Peeled the skin off his right chin on the way up.
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AlwysATgr52 months
That is a large human.
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NC_Tigah52 months
...and he's only a HafThor.
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idlewatcher52 months
Wonder if his baws call him Tiny
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JackieTreehorn52 months
Looks like he skipped head day
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redfish9952 months
He clean fo sho.
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dek8157252 months
To put it in perspective, Thor would have to deadlift 1,939lbs to match lb for lb what John Inzer did.
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biglego52 months
No one cares about a 165lb weightlifter
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dek8157252 months
LINK This is more impressive! John Inzer at 165lb deadlifting 780lb.
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Skinny52 months
I think i accidently shat myself just watching this.
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LesnarF552 months
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olgoi khorkhoi52 months
I wonder if I could eat more than him in a day.
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whodidthat52 months
He has several videos on youtube of his daily meals or even cheat days.
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DVinBR52 months
benefit of the doubt for eddie hall lifting 500kg at only 6'3, carrying 410lb at 6'3 is very hard on that frame and that's why he retired
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DVinBR52 months
it just took him focusing on the deadlift to break this record rather than doing general training for strongman competitions, late last year he tried to lift this and could only get it a foot off the ground
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Jay Quest52 months
This guy once played professional basketball. Talk about taking up space. Glad to see him break the record after the health problems he's endured.
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