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Location:Dirty Coast, MS
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re: What are your hobbies

Posted by MardiGrasCajun on 5/12/24 at 10:41 am
[quote]I'm looking for a retirement side hustle, I need to know more about this.[/quote] They come on handy for sure. We have one in our home office. My daughter prints all kinds of stuff. I'll have her print brackets and such for my various tools in the garage. Example, she'll print stuff like t...
[quote]Is that the northern Chackbay lights?[/quote] Northern West Hattiesburg... :lol:...
Y'all suck....I'm pissed I can't see this. Best I could get was my night light in the living room.[img]https://i.imgur.com/m0HaNjy.jpeg[/img]...
[quote]I thought this was a Stout thread[/quote] [img]https://media.wired.com/photos/6286d9da5765dde5daf82a3e/4:3/w_2132,h_1599,c_limit/How-To-Stay-Informed-Gear-154925228.jpg[/img]...
[quote]already at 73 and it’s supposed to be 91[/quote] Yep, at 75 new point right now...92 degrees today. I think you're near me....
[quote]A little disappointed, I thought the garbage can or whatever that is by the street was going to be in play here.[/quote] Oh, I gotcha covered. All of these are within the past week in my neighborhood. Last pic is what the postman did to my yard. Nice, huh? The pic of the vehicle is as it w...
One from our neighborhood last week.... [img]https://i.imgur.com/dfl2rsq.jpeg[/img]...
[quote]But yeah the fence and grass stuff was petty. [/quote] This is a new home with freshly laid grass. Keep your f-ing vehicle off the grass. Pretty simple. The whole point of showing each error in the video is to give a complete picture of the total disregard by the driver. This was just one...

re: In the market for a house...

Posted by MardiGrasCajun on 5/8/24 at 10:05 am
[quote]Then we save/invest another 20% on top of that in high yield savings and non retirement investments.[/quote] You may need to lower or eliminate this temporarily until you can refinance to a lower rate in the future. Otherwise, your new investment is your house....
That's incorrect. The Canadian dollar is weak against the USD. $4.98 USD is what Canadians are actually paying for the ground beef after conversion. Are you sure you know how this works? That's expensive ground beef....
[quote]That’s one potty mouthed little bitch. She sounds like she is the same type of Canadian that doesn’t miss a chance to tell US citizens how terrible we are and how much better Canada is than the US. You get what you vote for. Suck it bitch. [/quote] Have you ever met southern conservative w...
[quote]Converting kilograms to pounds and Canadian currency to USD, it worked out to about $3.65 a pound for ground beef. How does that compare to here?[/quote] You converted the pricing to "here" USD. The Canadian price is $4.98 per pound for ground beef. ...
[quote]Damn milk jug (4L), 10 ozs every 15 minutes. [/quote] This is actually the best one. Nothing to it. ...
[quote]We love authoritarianism, don't we?[/quote] We love people to be arrested that break laws. So, yeah....
People still use pagers? One fell out of the protestor's bag when the trooper lifted him/her/it. It buzzed on the ground. Also, that's a girl??...
[quote]Going to a museum, what a bunch of nerds[/quote] It's OK baw, that museum type stuff wouldn't look right in your doublewide anyway. I assume you feel the same way about about the WWII museum? Wait, you may not know what's actually inside of museums. Definitely nerd level... [img]...
We pour leftover bottled water in our dog's bowls. They piss it in the yard. Puppies are doing their part....
[quote]Hard to argue that it makes the skies any safer[/quote] Learn to read. [quote]honestly it’s fairly ridiculous that you can pay a fee and all of a sudden be less of a security risk.[/quote][quote]yes I’m aware that there’s a background check.[/quote] Hmmmm [quote]But 99.9% of the ...
So, take it for a quick walk around Columbia University? ...
Pretty quick...probably within the 1st hour when the autopays hit. I'm usually between 5k-7k per month. ...