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Registered on:11/9/2015
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Back story for us idiots please. I’m intrigued....

re: Are out of state colleges worth it?

Posted by FowlGuy on 2/20/24 at 3:32 pm
[quote]How good does the school have to be to make out of state tuition worth it rather than going to LSU or another in state school. For a major that is useful such as pre med, finance, etc.[/quote] Not sure if it’s still this way, but The University of Arkansas @ Monticello waves out of state t...

re: 2024 Spring Garden Thread

Posted by FowlGuy on 2/14/24 at 6:42 pm
Google Carmen Peppers. I’ve been growing them for a while now. They’re green, but ripen red. They’re just like the red snack peppers. One year I had 5-8 plants, and in September they went haywire. I bet I had 200+ at one time. Every morning and evening I would go in the garden and eat 10 or so. Tast...

re: Spinoff: fentanyl laced cocaine

Posted by FowlGuy on 2/2/24 at 9:26 am
Bc Fentanyl is highly addictive. When they lace any drug, they’re doing it to hook the addict and keep them coming back for more (so they buy more). They do not intend to kill off their buyers. Unfortunately, fentanyl is potent and kill you in small amounts. The addicts keep pushing the envelope and...

re: Funniest movie you've seen?

Posted by FowlGuy on 1/31/24 at 8:53 pm
LIFE I da Pappy...
[quote]Ok explain this to me as I’m wondering how the seed producer gets seed w/o using seed from a hybrid plant?[/quote] The plant breeder takes two plants, let’s say tomatoes. Two different varieties. He takes the pollen from the male flower and pollinates thr female flowers of the other tot Ma...
Not sure if anyone mentioned it or not but hybrids for thr most part usually have good disease resistance to Serrano diseases. An “heirloom” are the ones you can keep the seeds. They’re typically reliable year to year but may have issues with certain diseases. I have retained tomato seeds before, ta...
[quote]If caught early very treatable [/quote] There’s some prostate cancer that a gentleman may develops later in life and he will ultimately die of some other form of chronic condition without ever receiving cancer treatments. Then there are some forms where it ain’t pretty. There’s controversy...
[img]https://i.imgur.com/J4Pm9yE.jpeg[/img] Imagine waking up one morning and being one of the 11 dumb asses that down voted this. ...

re: 2024 Spring Garden Thread

Posted by FowlGuy on 1/15/24 at 12:11 pm
I support and fully understand what you’re trying to say. But I have the philosophy that when you step out on the playing surface, you should expect to win. If not, they why are you playing? You’re trying to say that we have unrealistic expectations. ...
I’m suddenly thirsty....
I live here and know farmers here. They still grow rice. But they don’t leave the levees up for the fields to flood, and they disc them after harvest. Idk if you comprehend anything that I posted the first time cat. Yes they try to hop in fall and have been doing it a long time. But if it rains and ...

re: Dodged a bullet

Posted by FowlGuy on 12/31/23 at 7:25 am
[quote]Had a girl chase me from first grade onward. She wasn't bad looking but there was no chemistry from my side. We lost touch after HS (I learned much later she went to LSU for a semester and stalked me from afar but I didn't know it at the time). We reconnected on social media years later and...
I believe that this is a multifaceted issue. I live in SE Arkansas and here are my observations. #1 Farming Practices When it’s bone dry in October and all the farmers disc the fallen grain fields and hip rows leaning it looking like the Sahara Dessert, ain’t good for ducks. Not to mention if t...

re: Advice on Shotgun

Posted by FowlGuy on 12/28/23 at 8:23 pm
Try out Retay...
God wouldn’t have given humans incisors and canines if he didn’t want us to eat meat. Could you imagine a vegan alligator or a camel carnivore?...

re: Is hunter orange a legit safety issue

Posted by FowlGuy on 11/30/23 at 10:25 am
I mainly hunt public land (bow hunting only) which Dosent require you to wear orange. When I’m walking to my stand before daylight or after sunset, I always keep my head light on. Even if it’s a full moon and you can see pretty good. Some people are idiots and will shoot at sounds, or a silhouette. ...
I’m all for discipline/arse whooping but that was a tad extreme....