Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Number of Posts:8305
Registered on:7/6/2004
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EBR is showing all the issues on full display that drove St. George, including the new LEAP scores. What an absolute cesspool. ...
Racist test is obviously racist....
This seems to be going well beyond simple TDS. It's like Trump stole a woman from him or penned a bad review of [i]The Untouchables[/i] that he has never forgiven him for. ...
[quote]In Obama’s statement praising Obama and not endorsing Harris, [/quote] Well, that tracks…...
He took down statues though, and that solved everything!...

re: Biden pissed

Posted by Michael T. Tiger on 7/19/24 at 6:52 pm
He’s fit enough to hold the office, just not run for it....
[quote]Vappie better start talking or he’s going down for Latoya. [/quote] Seems like going down for Latoya is what got him in this situation....
Screw LED lights. Don’t need that in either stadium. Waste of money that could have been allocated to something more fan-related....
There are many, and some have already been named. I’ll add Binary Sunset from Star Wars. Perfectly captures Luke’s longing for a different life. Also, the theme from The Mission....
Is it really that difficult for these mentally unstable people to say, “You’re welcome, but please don’t use any gender pronouns when you address me. A simple thank you is enough.”? Or, I don’t know, just say “you’re welcome,” and be courteous enough to keep your damn mouth shut instead of attac...

re: Joy Reid is melting

Posted by Michael T. Tiger on 7/11/24 at 11:11 am
Cool. Is she going to leave the country when Trump is elected, too? What a bunch of unhinged nonsense....
Would love to see Maxine Waters "grill" Ben...or Sheila Jackson Lee....

re: Gladiator II Trailer #1

Posted by Michael T. Tiger on 7/9/24 at 10:54 am
Training Day II: Roman Conquest...
ID? These machines are racist and discriminatory against poor people who can’t afford an ID....
Define “accelerated.” This has been on full display for years....
We had 9-11 to galvanize us, and it was squandered by what happened in Iraq and then race baiters capitalizing on Katrina.Both were less than 25 years ago. Now, we are arguing about what a woman is, what bathrooms to use, and tik tokking our way to oblivion....