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Tiger in Gatorland

Favorite team:LA-Monroe 
Location:Moonshine Holler
Biography:LSU '98
Interests:LSU football, backpacking/camping
Number of Posts:9114
Registered on:9/4/2006
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What the hell is this? Absolutely terrible on all fronts. What about the athletes? ...
How long is this on this broadcast? Snoop Dog is the best host yet. lol...
Drive the speed limit in the left lane to protect all those behind me from the risk of driving too fast. ...
Those 70's model single wides were just built differently. ...
I wonder about the longevity of being a truck driver. I think I saw you are in your 30s; do you think you'll be able to do this for 25 more years? If so, what type of retirement are you looking at? Did you want to be a truck driver as a kid or did you fall into it out of necessity? Have you...
Saban from Dinardo. Saban was overrated but produced with Dinardeaux’s talent. Had Dinardeaux been retained we’d have won 20 nattys. ...
New criminal defense strategy - they locked me in and I had to survive. Sounds like it’s Walgreens fault. Not to mention the risk they put him in to potentially overdose on Rx and he should be due a nice settlement. ...
[quote]I’m sick of losing game 1 every season since Burrow left.[/quote] This right here! BK needs to break this “habit,” if he ever wants to compete for championships as he states. It puts us behind the 8-ball from the starting line. ...
Let's get down there and start logging those sinkers before it's protected....
The building group is part of AGR International. Their website appears to already be taken down.[link=(]LINK[/link]...
[quote]this BBC interview with a guy outside the security perimeter who claims he saw the shooter before he fired is absolutely wild[/quote] That video is wild. How did police/SS not get word to get Trump off stage? While I'm sure they surveyed area buildings, do they not have monitoring of the...
Are you a founding member of Sons of Confederate Veterans?...
[quote]pbro62[/quote] I'm not his friend and don't even live in the area. I'm simply asking out of interest dumbass. GFY...
For those of you that are FB friends with him, do you unfriend him, or let it remain as is? ...
Has there been any information released about in-game purchases? I see the deluxe edition includes 4000 points for in game purchases. I'm thinking this will be a big part of the game, but unsure....
Hopefully they read him his miranda rights before his confession....
Grew up in Terrebonne Parish. My dad worked 7/7 out of Fourchon. O&G raised the family. I can remember a few distinct times when he was afraid of being laid off and things were a bit anxious around the house. He was never laid off and retired in the very late 90s. My grandfather made his li...
Let me guess....the sex was amazing in the early parts of your relationship?...
So who owns the wins/losses -- the coach or the institution? If he wasn't allowed due process as former coach, I can see his argument. Frankly, it does seem like the scapegoated him. Why did they vacate three season of football wins for one Level II infraction, and didn't vacate any basketbal...
Yea dude, I pay them. I don't want my credit record to get dinged. ...