Checkk out wrestling legend Ric Flair getting kicked out of Piesanos in Gainesville after a heated exchange with an employee...
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denvertiger9 months
Asking a washed up, drunken geriatric to come meet you in the parking lot is soooo brave :/
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Hoodie9 months
It was of the guy who tried to intervene not to take Flair up on a fight in the parking lot, as the rest of the Four Horsemen were likely waiting to pounce from the bushes.
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ALhunter9 months
Yea so cringe to be watching a business deal with a drunk customer and try to insert yourself... like what would compel someone to want to step outside and fight an old man.
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EyeOfTheTiger3119 months
I mean I don't know what caused him to get upset, but this wasn't as bad as I thought. He never really raised his voice or got in anyone's face. He just called that one dude a dipsh*t lol. And I love old boy at the bar trying to bow up to Flair at the end of the video.
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TerryDawg039 months
The Nature Boy makes Ozzy sound like a speech therapist.
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Pastor Mike9 months
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MasterKnight9 months
I’m amazed his liver or kidneys have not shut down by now. He has been a heavy drinker for 40 years.
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I’m at Love Field airport going through security. There’s yelling behind me and I turn around and it’s Ric Flair getting into it with TSA. This was two years ago and he wasn’t drunk.
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Timeoday9 months
Ol' Ric being Ric while just wanting to give $1,000 away. All the "egyptian" had to do was ask for Ric's autograph and problem would have gone away.
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You could’ve told me this was Joe Biden and I’d believe you
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Florida man….
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Sevensblue9 months
What’s happening here? He drunk or something?
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TigerB89 months
Whooooooo- to be the man, you gotta beat the man… whoooooo
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75503Tiger9 months
He’s having a hard time putting those Gators down, he’s too drunk. The best shite talker ever sounded like a fool
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SECSolomonGrundy9 months
Gainesville is full of losers who dont know how to have a good time.
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FoTownBam9 months
How can anyone get upset with that guy? I would love to be cursed out by Ric Flair. Even when he’s being a sloppy drunken A-hole, he’s still entertaining
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ALhunter9 months
It would crack me up TBH but I grew up watching him.
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Clark149 months
He won’t remember any of that when he wakes up after passing out.
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SwampyWaters9 months
It's really sad he has become a public embarrassment to his family. I think he still thinks he's 30 and everybody should bow down to him.
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NWHoustonTiger9 months
Breaking news tonight on Action News 13 - sources say legendary Pro Wrestler Ric Flair occasionally drinks too much and causes a scene at bars.
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BabyTac9 months
Daylight outside, slurring speech. Go home old man.
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Rex Feral9 months
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tketaco9 months
Thats a very boomer confrontation.
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