Favorite team:Georgia 
Number of Posts:11957
Registered on:1/13/2014
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And I thought it would be Disney that killed my love of Star Wars. Turns out it’s this hapless loser....
[quote]taking care of Dad now after his emergency eye surgery from Tuesday [/quote] Sorry friend. This will be my last year going to games w my dad. It started back in 81 and 24 will be the finale. ...
Watching your parents age and knowing you only have a couple more years with them. Looking at your children and remembering being that age....
[quote]Vegetables[/quote] That explains why you hate row crops. ...
[quote]You must be in your 30's or younger. You would absolutely despise that tune if you weren't.[/quote] lol. I wish. I went to nearly every game during their nine game winning streak. Rocky Top never bothered me nearly as much as Ray Goff’s incompetence....

re: Gender affirming care.

Posted by Rex Feral on 7/25/24 at 6:35 pm
[quote]gender is their religion.[/quote] Mankind is their god. Gender is more of an apostle....

re: Gender affirming care.

Posted by Rex Feral on 7/25/24 at 4:12 pm
They have no real lasting hope. That’s why they do short sighted things like cutting off their dicks....
[quote] It’s better for everyone if they don’t have them, rather than having kids they didn’t want in the first place.[/quote] That's short sighted at best. Same thing happened in Europe and look what they had to import to fill job vacancies....
I kinda like Rocky Top....

re: OT- Rain

Posted by Rex Feral on 7/25/24 at 11:54 am
[quote]Frustration with poorly designed 'energy-efficient' appliances is understandable,[/quote] I forgot about the ethanol gas that ruins my engines. [quote]that’s often a result of cutting corners for profit—a flaw of capitalism[/quote] Nice strawman...

re: OT- Rain

Posted by Rex Feral on 7/25/24 at 11:43 am
[quote]Nobody's forcing anyone to buy anything that doesn't work[/quote] My shitty "energy efficient" washing machine and dryer beg to differ....
[quote]Marriage[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/ja8FQgPCaDwAAAAM/well.gif[/img]...
The irritating thing about it all is this is what they accuse us of doing. ...
For a long time, I thought the picture on Nirvana's In Utero CD was a chick. [img]https://www.theaudiodb.com/images/media/album/cdart/uiwesy1649250045.png[/img]...
When I was 5 or 6, I got a cap gun for Christmas. I was swinging it around my finger and it flew off, hit the ground, and broke. I blamed it breaking on my friend Josh. My parents told his dad who promptly beat the shite out of him and made me a new wooden gun that shot rubber bands....

re: OT- Rain

Posted by Rex Feral on 7/25/24 at 9:55 am
[quote]Yeah, because caring about the environment and investing in clean energy is totally communism.[/quote] It is when the government forces you to by using methods that don't work. ...
And they vote. An anecdotal story, there are a bunch of college kids at my gym. We were running 1,000 meters and I overheard one girl ask another, "meters and yards are the same, right?" These are kids who average a 1300 on the SAT....
I'm seeing some Trump ads, but those ads of Kamala explaining where her donations go is like nails on a chalk board....