Favorite team:Arkansas 
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Registered on:12/21/2014
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Google repair videos

Posted by Clark14 on 7/26/24 at 8:40 pm
First off I’m going to begin by griping about modern appliances. They put so much unnecessary crap on them that trouble shooting the problem and repairing myself is damn near impossible. The lid lock on my washing machine, unnecessary as hell, broke and no telling what it would cost to have it repa...

re: Is your team a big question mark?

Posted by Clark14 on 7/26/24 at 8:17 pm
[quote]Everything looks good on paper.[/quote] It was eye opening when we got Drew Sanders from Bama. Here’s a guy who has trouble getting playing time there and he’s a freak here. Clearly our best most talented defensive player. We don’t get that type of player here and Bama and Georgia have the...

re: Is your team a big question mark?

Posted by Clark14 on 7/26/24 at 7:50 pm
[quote]Is your team a big question mark?[/quote] Yes, I have no idea what to expect....
[quote]And get out of threads once they hit more than two pages, lol.[/quote] And check occasionally to see if any thread you posted in has been moved to that board. I’ve had that happen and when I found out I immediately went there and deleted all I said because I was getting trashed and didn’t ...
[quote]I like this idea… there is a poli board for a reason.[/quote] You mean that place where if you say something negative about trump and try to defend yourself against the barrage of insults and name calling gets you banned for 3 weeks? Three times was enough, no thanks. No matter your tru...
[quote]that she may have gotten some teenagers drunk and slept with one.[/quote] She could have saved the liquor money and still achieved this result…...
[quote]Dana Carvey did a great impression of Perot.[/quote] The one where he took admiral stockdale for a ride and tried to dump him off was hilarious…...
That’s a safe jinx if I ever saw one…...

re: Stepping Stone

Posted by Clark14 on 7/25/24 at 5:15 pm
[quote]Had he taken the Nebraska, he would been fired as Nebraska had much higher expectations back then.[/quote] Ok Nostradamus, give me the lottery numbers for this week. Nutt and his family were being brutally attacked by a fraction of the fanbase, mostly on the internet and a split in th...
[quote]When we went through Mom's stuff after she died, I found a beat up pocketknife with a name crudely carved into it. I'm assuming it is a knife my Mom took up when she was teaching. I did some research and found the owner, who was dead. So, I called his nearest relative and was told, in nicer ...

re: Stepping Stone

Posted by Clark14 on 7/25/24 at 3:51 pm
[quote]Nutt using Arkansas[/quote] Not a an example of your topic. Nutt had no good choice but to leave given the circumstances. He would have been an example if he had taken the Nebraska job in 2003 which he should have and saved himself a lot of misery....
[quote]Hoping Pit Boss drags up about 2 games into the season because that moron is there and comes home to Athens.[/quote] Sam is home and if he’s canned after this year he’s headed to his retirement home on the lake. ...
[quote]How tf do Arky fans talk any trash to anyone without demanding Pittman be fired first? There's no way Pittman would still be the coach at Tennessee. Vol twitter would make damn well sure of that . Arkansas fans are therefore losers with loser mindsets by default. Weak little cucks who just ...
I wonder how much the portal has hurt some high school kids trying to get scholarships. Maybe this will give more of them an opportunity to make a big program’s roster....
I had a cb in my car in the 70s, pretty much for entertainment purposes but also Smokey reports. Me and a buddy were driving back from Little Rock one night and a trucker came on saying the car in front of him didn’t have any taillights and they are going to get themselves killed and he described th...
[quote]HIt a pitching wedge 190 to the pin and stay #1 for 13 years[/quote] If you hood a 9 iron down it can be as long as the angle that it’s hooded to. But new technology with clubs and balls made for all golfers hitting the ball farther. I saw 14 year old kids hitting 300 yard drives easi...
I don’t know if it’s just a southern thing, but buttermilk mixed up with cornbread is is a favorite of mine....
It appears there have been other carjackings involving officials and such. Maybe these guys went fishin, so to speak, and caught one. Or maybe the criminal just picked the wrong car. Maybe word will get out. The guard did nothing wrong....
[quote]Are you unaware of the quintessential cuisine of the 1950s, the pear salad?[/quote] Dang, I forgot about that. Mom used to make them....
[quote]Stupid fricking lib scum.[/quote] Damn dumbass, let me explain this to where maybe even someone of your ilk can understand. I made an observation but didn’t realize the timeline so I stood corrected and owned up to it. Like with all women I gave you girls the last word. Now this is it a...