From an article last night, it appears that he and the hot blonde ordered dinner AFTER the ship hit the rock. This guy was determined to wine and dine her, and hopefully do her. Or did he do her before he ordered dinner? Is there a website with a timeline of events?

Cruise ship's cook says captain ordered dinner after crash


Schettino ordered dinner around 10:30 p.m. Friday, Barista said. Authorities say the ship struck the rocks at 9:41 p.m.

Pic of blonde (on left):
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More pics here:
Filed Under: General Interest
user avatar
InVolNerable157 months
I'd probably let her touch it. But definitely not boat-sinking worthy.
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CP3LSU25157 months
why does everything in life turn into disaster because of vagina. Vagina in some way ruins everything in life :lol:
user avatar
LSUFan3434157 months
I'm still looking for a hot blonde in that picture
user avatar
LSU alum wannabe157 months
The cruise that we took out of Galveston was crawling with them. The bartenders were all decent looking and SOUNDED like Kournikova. Which of course made them look better after a couple rounds.
user avatar
JOHNN157 months

The cruise that we took out of Galveston was crawling with them. The bartenders were all decent looking and SOUNDED like Kournikova. Which of course made them look better after a couple rounds.

Every cruise Ive been on has been like this. Hot women who work for very little pay and are more than willing to go above and beyond to make sure you have an "enjoyable experience"
user avatar
Skillet157 months
This tragic accident is why I'm against offshore drilling.
user avatar
jpbTiger157 months

This tragic accident is why I'm against offshore drilling.

As long as it's WAYYYYYY off shore.... :pimp:

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Nodust157 months
Pussy gets you in trouble every time.
user avatar
Ole Mule157 months
Yes, the down fall of every good man.
user avatar
Placebeaux157 months
She's Russian. You could order one in the mail. No big accomplishment here.
user avatar
GarmischTiger157 months
user avatar
tigerpimpbot157 months

Question: Did the captain of that cruise ship ever bag that hot blonde?

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess, yes.
user avatar
Oyster157 months

The Italian media Thursday claimed Cemortan had been invited on to the bridge of the Concordia on the night of the accident. She was said to have been there at the moment of impact as the captain prepared to conduct a spectacular "sailpast" of Giglio Island

You would know some a-hole showing off to get laid!
user avatar
Kajungee157 months

conduct a spectacular "sailpast

This kinda like just the tip ?

I think she told him she wanted him to get her wet.
user avatar
tigerfoot157 months
Undoubtedly you are not a mariner. It is maritime custom for the Captain to go down with the ship, while eating some prime rib, while a marginal blond goes down on his ship.

Thought everybody knew this.
user avatar
Cecil D Diesel157 months
If this mans persistence didn't pay off, abandon all hope fellas
user avatar
Cold Pizza157 months
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Got a little Captain in ya?
user avatar
Camp Randall157 months
Euro trash girls are better in bed. FACT.
user avatar
chief420157 months

Euro trash girls are better in bed. FACT.
user avatar
Joehat157 months
Ain't no shame when a manly brain is hunting some game... Logic does disappear in a guys head when some twat is off the port bow..
user avatar
Porky157 months
:lol: :bow:
Great thread!
user avatar
Kafka157 months
This guy should be teabagged and buried under the downtown Krystal
user avatar
wildtigercat93157 months
Im guessing this guy was in his vinigar strokes when everything was going to shite
user avatar
7thWardTiger157 months
Like a Boss?
user avatar
J Murdah157 months

Like a Captain?
user avatar
How I Roll157 months
She's not hott enough to crash a 100 million dollar boat into rocks. Katy Perry on the other hand?? :nana:
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HeadSlash157 months
OT 5
user avatar
WylieTiger157 months
OT 6 in Scranton
user avatar
molsusports157 months
If he did then no Italian jury will ever convict him of wrongdoing

user avatar
J Murdah157 months
the things people will do for pussy
user avatar
FLBooGoTigs1157 months

the things people will do for pussy

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user avatar
Oyster157 months
The story will eventually come out that el capitan was bagging this chick in the lifeboat. The ship hit the rocks and the life boat was launched with them in it. He never went back on the ship because he heard her husband was looking for him.
user avatar
Lsuwannabe157 months
It's good to be the captain
user avatar
CoolHand157 months
Haters gonna hate.

Even douches gotta eat.
user avatar
Mr. Shankly157 months
2,1 :pimp:
user avatar
GonePecan157 months
You've got to admire him sticking to his plan.
user avatar
Ash Williams157 months

You've got to admire him sticking to his plan.

the only plan he didnt stick to was the course plan the ship was supposed to follow

that didnt work out too well for everybody
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