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Registered on:8/2/2006
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hyperness is wearing off :snoozer: all :yawn: ...
cody :bow: did mander's leave u & da sweet lil baby? :wah: i tried 2 tell u that all she wanted was your upscale transportation job money. ...
[quote]Yes sir[/quote] :angry: u r not 2 old 4 me 2 put u over my knee and give u a whoopin....although, u r prolly way 2 heavy 4 me 2 do dat....
[quote]Did you ban mpt00f again?[/quote] 100f is banned? :bwahaha: wtf did mr goody 2 shoes do? again, :bwahaha: ...
clean :cheers: [quote]Got somebody working on the damage to my house.[/quote] fyi, i don't do manual labor me :bow:...
[quote]No sir. [/quote] it's "no daddy".....k :angry:...
[quote]VetteGuy Po[/quote] i bet u drive chevy spark....sheesh poster:casty: [img]https://img2.carmax.com/assets/mmy-chevrolet-spark-ev-2016/image/1.jpg?width=800&height=600[/img]...
sure would like a hey skilly mp k'rad y duz everyone h8 me :wah:...
gilf nurse :pimp: r u ignoring me:bird:...
boo z :cheers: i understand u r a bleeding heart lib :angry: if u ever cross my path irl. i will juicy smollett your lib arse :angry:...
woodsy:bow: [quote]boiled shrimp [/quote] indonesian shrimp? :yack:...
hi sexy aspy :pimp: [quote]Salad[/quote] no shite....sheesh:casty: ...
l-thray all :cheers: [quote]Bring your lunch pale[/quote] during my participation in sports. i was never a bring his lunch pale kinda fella i only gave 50% or less i was not a team player i took plays off i was a ball hog i was locker room poison my lunch shrimp tacos from a ...
[quote] I have a cough [/quote] :bwahaha: ...
[quote]I got half a broiled tomato[/quote] mp k'rad, that's a vv delish small plate when paired with the complimentary saltines.:drool:...
woodsy :bow: [quote]A case of diet dr thunders and some Salisbury Steak Hungry Man dinners would do it.[/quote] how aboot i just offer clean the ever popular $25 ruth chris g-card...
unliked poster, pleze go visit new york and get pushed onto a subway track where u will b squashed like a bug. :cheers:...
[quote]Wb mps [/quote] yep say mp dph, do u know how much clean would charge me 2 whack owlie and whiskey bay his body?...
later on in the day all :cheers: [quote] I thought that was a lot like the complaints about skilly to the admins so I felt it was appropriate[/quote] i take a well needed n well deserved nap and come back 2 c that i was slandered....i hope all of u develop an extremely weak & burning pee ...