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Registered on:11/7/2006
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You bitches were against “his shots” but lined up en masse repeatedly for them once Biden was sworn in. frick off....
Scores were on jpams in St Tammany as of yesterday....
WT Jr Advanced in Geometry, English I, Biology LEAP 2025 High School Tests Scale Score to Grade Scale Conversion Tables[link=(https://louisianabelieves.com/docs/default-source/assessment/high-school-leap-2025-grade-conversion-table.pdf?sfvrsn=bfb6911f_4)]LEAP 2025 [/link] ...
Bring back the toss dive with Hill and Ridley while passing for 100 yards per game in the advanced Miles offense....
fricktard I hope you lose electricity for a month in mid August....

re: DJT from truth social

Posted by WylieTiger on 7/21/24 at 6:52 pm
[quote] Unity message[/quote] And none of that will come from the lest. None of it. Why should DJT go there?...
She'll be gaslit to prop her up enough to deploy the Dominion software. Add in a manufactured crisis/pandemic to usher in all those harvested/procured ballots....
I'm going with Clinton/Harris or the Maryland Governor....
I lean to Crooks being the shiny object and the real players behind the scenes did the dirty work. I still can't reconcile the trajectory paths of the bullets that hit Trump and the crowd. Two different trajectories/point of origin. We will never know. This thing will go away like the Las Vegas S...
You can boil all of it down to ask why Trump was allowed to go on stage if it was known/reported that a suspicious person with a gun was nearby or on a roof. That fact can't be ignored....
They knew something was going to happen and let it happen. Their plan was to engage after the first shot. That way they can say that they did all they could to protect Trump. If the suspicious guy was noticed and reported up to 30 minutes before the shooting, why was Trump allowed to go in stage...
Inside job It has to be some form of it. There's no way someone is this stupid. She may not be in on it but someone was. ...