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re: Why can every other first world country have healthcare for all?

Posted on 2/20/20 at 7:57 am to
Posted by deathvalleytiger10
Member since Sep 2009
7647 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 7:57 am to

You will still pay 300 a month
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:

You are one major idiot.

The taxes that will be required to pay for this will dwarf $300/mth.

Cost will rise, quality will drop, the best of doctors and nurses will leave the industry.

The examples cited by others of what is actually occurring in these other countries should prevent anyone with half a brain from advocating that the US convert to single payer.
Posted by BugAC
St. George
Member since Oct 2007
53036 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 8:02 am to

Why can every other first world country have healthcare for all?

This is an idiotic question by an idiotic poster, who is not an adult, and does not have the ability to critically think...aka a Bernie supporter. But i'll indulge your idiocy.

1) What is the military budget for these first world countries compared to ours?
2) What is the racial diversity percentages of these countries compared to the US?
3) What is the population of these countries compared to the US?
4) What is the effective tax rate of these countries compared to ours?
5) What additional expenses does the US pay for, that these "first world countries" do not?
6) What is the cost of living in our country vs. these other countries?

You've never thought to ask any of these questions. You just hear "healthcare for all", but you never thought about anything other than "that sounds great, we should do it".

A) Conservative estimates of Bernie's healthcare for all plan is $25 trillion. US GDP (Gross Domestic Product) was $21 trillion last year. And because i know you don't understand what GDP is, GDP is defined as "Gross domestic product is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period."

B) What you and Bernie want is not healthcare. It is health insurance. But health insurance for all isn't as sexy as health care. So what you really want is blanket, single payer health insurance, and in order for it to "work", you will have to ban private insurance. What are you going to do with the hundreds of thousands that work in the health insurance industry and the thousands of other ancillary (google it, i know you don't know what that means) businesses that are employed due to the health insurance industry?
ETA: and before you say, well those that worked in private insurance will work in the government insurance. Well that may be true. But guess what? That means that insurance costs will not change. Why? Because not only are you adding everyone's health costs to the federal budget, but you are now adding every single Government Insurance employee to the federal budget. So all of your costs are transferred to the federal government, and you'll have to at least double the amount of workers to manage America's population on federal insurance. And you think that is a good idea?

C) Doctors are not your slaves. In order for there to be "healthcare for all" then doctors will not be allowed to refuse patients. I mean, if "healthcare" is a right, then any dr. refusing to treat a patient for any # of reasons, can then be sued/fined/imprisoned for denying you a human right. So in effect, the healthcare industry becomes a slave industry. I shouldn't have to tell you how bad slavery is, but i'm sure your response is "well if they deny healthcare, they should go to prison". Reason #1000 why you are not a serious person.

D) Denmark (your first world country) military expenditures are roughly $5 billion/year (1.4% of Denmark's GDP). US's military budget was $693 billion or 3.2% of GDP. I'm sure your response is "well just cut the military". Sorry, but one of the only jobs the US Government has is national defense. Being the Alpha in the world means you are also the target, and also means, you defend the little guys that can't defend themselves. An alpha male is the male who is in charge and is the highest ranking individual in a room. Bernie supporters are not Alpha so i know you don't know what that means either.

E) Implementation - We already have socialized medicine in this country in the form of medicare/medicaid. The intended purpose was to help those that physically couldn't help themselves, but like all government programs, it was seriously abused and has never been fixed. Then we had Obamacare come along that was an unmitigated disaster from the beginning. 1) healthcare costs skyrocketed. 2) The sign up website didn't work for months at a time. The government you want controlling America's healthcare can't even run a website. 3) It was filled with broken promises. 4) It unfairly taxed specific industries to help cover the cost. 5) It applied grossly overreaching requirements that everyone must have insurance, even if you couldn't afford it. 6) It failed stupendously, as it should have.

F) Government efficiency - You want the same government that lost $4 billion during the Obamacare rollout, to manage $25 trillion? Are you stupid? Serious question. The government has NEVER been efficient in anything they did. It's why we are running billion dollar deficits every single year. When you lose $4 billion without blinking an eye and you have no explanation and you are not held accountable for it, what do you think will happen with a $25 trillion + system? Who is the government accountable to?

G) The government will tell you what medicine you will take. If you ever had to deal with prescriptions and trying to get your insurance to cover it, how bad do you think it will be with Berniecare? And before you say "that's a private insurance problem" it actually isn't. When Obamacare went into effect, it mandated certain prescription drugs to be covered by insurance and others, not. Why? Cost. My wife (that's a woman you marry because you love her, since you don't know what that is) spent weeks trying to get her prescriptions covered by insurance to be told that federal law will not allow our insurance to cover it. First she has to try 3 different scripts. Even with multiple notes from her doctor saying she has to take x prescription and x prescription alone, they still didn't comply. Imagine the complete dysfunction of the incompetent federal government managing prescriptions for 300 million + people... Insane.

H) Wait times - All of your first world countries have horrendous wait times. UK, the shining beacon that the left try to use all the time as an example, has wait times that go on for months. Take for example, having to see a specialist, like an endocrinologist. The best one in baton rouge schedules appointments 6 months in advance. Even if it is urgent, the likelihood of being seen in less than a month is near zero. And that's with private insurance. Now imagine you have the flu, or some sort of infection, and your wait time is 3 weeks -2 months (average wait time in the UK). Do you think that is what people want?

I) Specialization - Why do you think so many people fly to the US to have procedures? Because a) we have the best healthcare in the world and B) because we have the most qualified practicing specialists in the world and c) we are the most medically innovative country in the world. But once you start enslaving these professionals...what happens? Do you think these professionals are going to continue to excel if there is no benefit to themselves?

J) The problem is inherit in socialism. That's right, the biggest problem of your socialist goals is...being humans. The only way socialism works, is if you remove the human element. People will not want to achieve above and beyond, if there is no benefit in doing so. So while you think you are being kind by enslaving the medical profession for your socialist needs on the basis of "good intentions" you are simply crushing innovation and further destroying the medical industry of the country.

So again, in short. You are a silly person. You are not a serious person. You've never thought past the point of "yeah, free stuff is great". You are a child, and should not be making adult decisions.
This post was edited on 2/20/20 at 8:11 am
Posted by Flats
Member since Jul 2019
22085 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 8:03 am to

Asking for a friend...

Your friend's a ****.
Posted by SiloamHog
Siloam Springs, AR
Member since Sep 2016
884 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 8:06 am to
I love you too
Posted by WeeWee
Member since Aug 2012
40233 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 8:11 am to

Why can every other first world country have healthcare for all?

#1. No country with healthcare for all that is worth a shite is the size of the US. The logistics of running a healthcare for all system would be a nightmare.

#2. Countries with healthcare for all that is worth a do not spend money on defense like the USA does. OF course if those countries with healthcare for all did not rely on the USA for defense then they would be forced to give up their healthcare for all.

Go look at healthcare in China or Russia which have large populations and spend a lot of money on defense.

If this is the type of healthcare you want

then vote for Bernie.

If you want decent healthcare, vote for TRUMP!
This post was edited on 2/20/20 at 8:51 pm
Posted by tigerfoot
Member since Sep 2006
56630 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 8:18 am to

Why can every other first world country have healthcare for all?

Why is this the only topic you guys talk about, seriously, the only time I have ever worried about healthcare is after Obama drove my costs through the roof,
Posted by NC_Tigah
Member since Sep 2003
124545 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 8:23 am to

Why can every other first world country have healthcare for all?
Asking for a friend...
Because the US pays their way.

. . . . tell your friend
Posted by HurricaneTiger
Coral Gables, FL
Member since Jan 2014
3028 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 8:27 am to

I figured as much. And it's fine with me that my opinion is in the minority on that among conservatives. I don't have to worry about it anyways because the Government already does provide me my healthcare.

I’m actually in agreement with you. However, I wouldn’t want universal coverage to be instituted, though the government would try its best to get as much control as possible. Furthermore, healthcare through the government is just too damn expensive for taxpayers.

I think the ability to go to get things like broken bones or asthma medication probably wouldn’t be that bad, but people shouldn’t be paying for a liver transplant for an alcoholic, or heart surgery for an obese person. Maybe government subsidized healthcare shouldn’t even include surgery as an option at all.

The legislation for it would have to be rock solid for me to be for it, and I can never see that happening. At least in the state of our current government.
Posted by TheFonz
Somewhere in Louisiana
Member since Jul 2016
20544 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 8:49 am to

Asking for a friend...

Tell your friend this. I'm keeping the math simple.

You make $1000 a month, and you pay $200 a month for private health insurance. That leaves you $800 in your pocket for everything else. You cuss and complain that one of the reasons health care is expensive is because you have to pay for those not covered, too.

So why not have free, universal healthcare run by the government and everyone will be covered. Hooray!

You notice on your paycheck that you are paying $300 in taxes now to cover universal healthcare, leaving you $700 for everything else. But that's cool, because everyone is paying their share in taxes and everyone is getting covered, right? Wrong. Nearly 50% of the population pays $0 in federal taxes, so you are still paying for their health coverage.

As a bonus, for the higher taxes you pay, you'll get for no additional charge:

1.) Little or no control over your health care.
2.) Longer waits for surgery.
3.) Lower service quality.
4.) Over time, less services become available because the government "can't afford it."
5.) You'll end up paying for private, supplemental insurance to cover what GovCare doesn't.
6.) You'll be written off after your 80. Good luck.
This post was edited on 2/20/20 at 10:39 am
Posted by cokebottleag
I’m a Santos Republican
Member since Aug 2011
24028 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 8:56 am to
Because we pay for their protection.
Posted by Midget Death Squad
Meme Magic
Member since Oct 2008
24856 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 8:57 am to

Why can every other first world country have healthCOVERAGE for all?

Because they don't want to have the best healthCARE in the world like America does.

Posted by jnethe1
Member since Dec 2012
16143 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 9:01 am to
Why do people from the countries with free healthcare come here to Houston to get healthcare and pay for it themselves out of their own pocket?
Posted by hottub
Member since Dec 2012
3388 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 9:10 am to

the list of federal agencies and we should disband damn near every one of them. Nearly every other "social program" we have is illegitimate.

Why are they illegitimate?

Posted by TigerCoon
Member since Nov 2005
18966 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 9:10 am to

Or should everyone that disagrees with you should get out?

Just whiny bums who can't or won't pay their own way.
Posted by CleverUserName
Member since Oct 2016
12902 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 9:23 am to

Why can every other first world country have healthcare for all? by SiloamHog
Asking for a friend...

Why did Mick Jagger not have his heart valve repaired in the UK instead of New York?

And why, according toThe Fraser Institute, a Canadian public policy think tank, did 52,513 Canadians come to the US for non-emergency care in 2014? It’s “free” there. Why come here and pay out of pocket for it?

Why do the people who sing the praises of government controlled health care fight to be excluded from the rules of it?

Posted by moneyg
Member since Jun 2006
56907 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 9:26 am to

Why can every other first world country have healthcare for all?

Healthcare for all is a bad thing. It costs those who are willing to pay for healthcare more, and offers an inferior product.
Posted by boudinman
Member since Nov 2019
5160 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 9:28 am to
Google how long it takes to get a government approved/paid CT or MRI in Canada.
Posted by moneyg
Member since Jun 2006
56907 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 9:29 am to

Hell, even Mexico, who we have to build a wall against has socialized healthcare

Someone with half a brain would start asking follow up questions with this realization.
Posted by JumpingTheShark
Member since Nov 2012
22983 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 9:30 am to
Why do y’all feed this troll?
Posted by moneyg
Member since Jun 2006
56907 posts
Posted on 2/20/20 at 9:35 am to

Here is the issue^^^. You think Govt healthcare will allow me to receive the same care I get today, for $300/ mo with no out of pocket costs? And that covers not only me, but the "commonwealth of all Americans". This is so financially ignorant it's hard to believe anyone could believe such nonsense.

He's a Bernie bro. Financial literacy isn't even a thing.
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