Favorite team:Georgia Tech 
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Registered on:7/12/2019
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[quote] Those people live on the streets because French businesses simply will not hire them to do anything beyond mop the floor or wash the dishes. [/quote] They’re “refugees” from shitholes. What do you think they’re qualified to do? They didn’t walk out of an executive suite to come to Fra...
[quote]The more liberal tears that are shed, the more you know his posts are over the target.[/quote] Being over the target is only half of the equation, though. You’ve got to hit it in a way that positively influences fence sitters. ...
[quote]1801[/quote] Can you link the source of that graphic? I can’t see the details. ...
[quote]Makes you wonder how many smart criminals are gaming the system without getting caught.[/quote] A lot. I’ve seen more than one cop on various shows/documentaries admit that smart criminals usually get away with it. ...
This is how you use social media. It ain’t perfect but it’s way, way better than most of his posts. ...
[quote]Probably, the one that annoys me the most is when white liberals either try to claim they aren’t white (claiming the 10% Latino they have) or how they try to act cool by saying how bad white people are. It’s the biggest cuck shite ever like I’m supposed see them as a good white, I just tell th...
[quote]The Star Wars franchise has always been my favorite movies to watch my whole life.[/quote] You must have stopped watching 40 years ago. Smart move. ...

re: Ford taking it in the shorts

Posted by Flats on 7/25/24 at 5:08 pm
[quote]During Covid they raped their customers on prices [/quote] I'll never understand this criticism of car dealers. Yes, they want to charge as much as they can get away with, just like you want to pay as little as you can get away with when buying. When a customer does it it's smart, when a...

re: Facts are stubborn things

Posted by Flats on 7/25/24 at 8:13 am
[quote]Facts are stubborn things[/quote] So is the digital record. [quote]Posted by VOR on 6/27/24 at 8:26 am If you’ve ever observed actual dementia, you know that nothing Biden has done suggests dementia. That whole narrative about Biden’s mental acuity is absurd. He’s 80 years old, and is...

re: Disappointed in Trump team...

Posted by Flats on 7/25/24 at 7:42 am
[quote]Trump isn’t as easily fooled as you are.[/quote] The same Trump that hired so many swamp critters that his defenders had to create the spin that he did so just to "expose" them? FFS, his first Chief of Staff was Reince Priebus....
[quote]Those putting in small 2 stroke engines like a weedeater. How do you use it on those? Not asking for a friend, asking for my dumb arse self[/quote] If it’s already running well just add it to your gas mix at whatever amount the bottle says. If it’s not running well you can get the spray ve...
It's blatant vote-buying, but it's not as egregious as "forgiving" student loans....
[quote]This is how organizations are co-opted by the Marxists. Because they do care.[/quote] But the organization will cease to exist. They have zero leverage over local congregations. I'm not saying it's a good thing (whatever "it" is, there seems to be some confusion), I'm just trying to e...
[quote]Don't all congregations in the SBC affirm the BFM? [/quote] I suppose it's implied with the label, but no, I've never seen any sort of annual reading where the congregation affirms it. I've never read it. I bet very few people outside of our staff have ever read it. There is no real ...
[quote]Still the SBC holds some sway over the denomination.[/quote] What do they hold? The association is entirely voluntary and churches are independently owned and governed. If whoever makes decisions at the top level of the SBC goes off the reservation it's as simple as crossing out the "Sou...
[quote]I didnt think there were rules[/quote] There really aren't, but there should be one clear goal: maximize your votes, minimize your opponent's votes....
[quote]Explain this all to me like I'm Catholic.[/quote] You're very involved in Little League in Louisiana. A Little League in Kentucky declared that they were going to start using the DH, and your friends are asking you if you have to start using the DH because you're both called "Little Leagu...
[quote]This is wrong. Trump should be Trump.[/quote] Trump's negative numbers have been over 50% since forever. You think maybe taking a look at WHY they're so high and moderating the approach a bit is a bad idea?...
[quote]The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, the politics wing of the Southern Baptist Church[/quote] I've attended a SBC for most of my life. Nobody knows or really cares if they're under 70 what some committee in Nashville decides. ...
[quote]Start with red dot. A 3 moa dot at 130 yards would cover a humans head. [/quote] WTF kind of tiny humans have you been hunting?...