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Location:St. George
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Registered on:10/30/2007
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My 2025 season is off to a wild start. Jalen Milroe transferred to Texas and Ewers is still on their team. LOL...
Question: I still don't really understand how the other depth chart positions work on this game. I have my LE and RE, and that's who i assume would start at these positions. But i also have a RLE and an RRE (or something like that) that seems to take precedence over my LE and RE depth chart. Simi...
[quote]All I know is I’m fricking arse on defense. [/quote] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2Ffb1d6c1df36d4cc56b97e88f25ec6e26%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D11859452&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=59d700725ceb27401f18697c21a110ed208054e7f7191670cb404e5afd507d9c&i...
[quote]NBC is using Elons child to go attack him now. Disgusting[/quote] That's pretty desperate of the left. This is the last ditch effort. They have nothing to run on, so try to smear the guy that owns twitter in hopes people get off of twitter in disgust. ...
[quote]It sure looks like Doug likes having a good shvitz with the boys.[/quote] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.gr-assets.com%2Fhostedimages%2F1480230542ra%2F21286814.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=d912096954eab5a2f1f9430742c5ac759b9275e9a284b857da77a7e29895c4f7&ipo=i...
It's amazing how well liberals live up to their stereotype. :lol:...
[quote]Simulating defense and only playing offense on dynasty is the way to go. Plus my defense is way better when I’m not playing[/quote] This is the way...
[quote]i have children idiot.[/quote] The royal you genius. In regards to "no one should be in the white house if they haven't raised children. You (the people without children wanting to run the country) have no idea what the world is like for the 90% of American families and what they have to g...
[quote]diat150[/quote] Let me clue you in on something. No one should be in the white house if they haven't raised children. You have no idea what the world is like for the 90% of American families and what they have to go through that has a real stake in the future of our country....
[quote]I know people that have no children and contribute positively to society and the future of the country[/quote] Is your friends name Kamala Harris? Because there is nothing in her history that shows she was generous and kind. Her entire political career has been about acquiring power by who...
[quote]nah you are just dumb and too scared to admit that it is a terrible statement to make.[/quote] So he's dumb because he didn't buy the snippet some leftist on twitter clipped, and actually watched the whole interview? [quote]rejecting the honest truth doesnt make you right.[/quote] Y...
[quote]The gotcha is that Kamala has 2 stepchildren, it is insensitive to women, Aniston has made this a big thing, and they have added to this gotcha that JD Vance would be against IVF.[/quote] Only a fool would put credence into anything you said. You are following the leftist playbook. ...

re: If Kamala is so amazing…

Posted by BugAC on 7/25/24 at 1:03 pm
[quote] Blaming the world’s ills on single women is pretty stupid[/quote] link or am i supposed to take your word for it? the entire statement too. ...

re: Homebrewing Thread: Volume II

Posted by BugAC on 7/25/24 at 12:40 pm
Time for the monthly homebrew post. :lol: Anybody still homebrewing? I have an italian pilsner just on tap, and hooking up the focal banger clone to a tap today. Bottling both and a Helles for the Redstick competition. Next beer is an altbier. I've been reading up on the style. I gotta say, g...
[quote]Green Chili Tiger[/quote] You're trying so hard to make this bitch likeable... Too bad, for you, the internet exists....

re: If Kamala is so amazing…

Posted by BugAC on 7/25/24 at 12:18 pm
[quote]They are going after Vance because he is an utter moron. He says utterly stupid things and was a choice for VP that actually makes you question[/quote] Example?...

re: Facts are stubborn things

Posted by BugAC on 7/25/24 at 7:53 am
[quote]VOR[/quote] 1) it’s telling that you start a thread and never return when you get destroyed with facts. 2) the border is the #1 issue in America right now. It’s funny you are trying to pretend it’s not....

re: Facts are stubborn things

Posted by BugAC on 7/25/24 at 7:50 am
[quote]VOR[/quote] Lester Holt interviewed Heels up when she was named border czar. At the time there were 2 million illegals crossing our border. He asked Harris why she hasn’t been to the border and she famously said “I haven’t been to Europe either..” So please, shut the frick upbwith such e...
[quote]Yes, young American white men.[/quote] Don’t forget Asians....

re: Kamal says a lot of stupid things.

Posted by BugAC on 7/24/24 at 1:11 pm
Preview of Kamala's acceptance speech at the DNC [embed]https://youtu.be/uiyvhtB66hU[/embed]...