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[quote]Lima Whiskey[/quote] Do you get paid by Russia to post their lies?...
Did yall read Mike Pompeo and David Urban’s take on Ukraine and Russia and peace. Here is part of the plan. [quote]Impose real sanctions on Russia. The Biden administration’s sanctions sound good on paper but are hollow. The Treasury, for example, exempts Russian banks from U.S. sanctions if the...
[quote]Who is Kamala?[/quote] "Our next President!" - CNN...

re: He had a major stroke for sure

Posted by WeeWee on 7/24/24 at 7:42 pm
[quote]A stroke and a bout of Bell’s Palsy are both potential culprits for having a fricked up face.[/quote] I’m treating it as a stroke until I the imaging rules it out. ...

re: He had a major stroke for sure

Posted by WeeWee on 7/24/24 at 7:20 pm
[quote]Left side of his face looks odd[/quote] It’s called a facial droop....

re: So why did he quit?

Posted by WeeWee on 7/24/24 at 7:18 pm
He had a stroke or TIA Saturday night or Sunday morning. ...

re: Someone call a Code Grey!!!!

Posted by WeeWee on 7/24/24 at 7:15 pm
[quote]Call for the crash cart[/quote] No but if a patient came into my clinic and looked and sounded like that I would send them to the hospital for a stroke work up....

Someone call a Code Grey!!!!

Posted by WeeWee on 7/24/24 at 7:12 pm
Slurred speech and left sided facial droop. Classic stroke symptoms. ...

re: He had a major stroke for sure

Posted by WeeWee on 7/24/24 at 7:09 pm
[quote]still suffering from COVID? [/quote] Covid doesn’t make you slur your speech or have a facial droop. However covid does make clots more likely to occur. ...

re: He had a major stroke for sure

Posted by WeeWee on 7/24/24 at 7:04 pm
I normally don’t agree with you but I am now. The left side of his face is weaker than the right. Plus he is slurring his words....
[quote]This statement is simply incorrect. Not that facts have ever been your deal.[/quote] In Putin’s Russia facts deal you....
[quote]they're flying against the densest and most dangerous network of air defences in the world[/quote] Must be why the S300 and S400 systems have been so successful at intercepting 1970s and 1980s era western cruise missiles....
[quote]I don't think that has anything to do with DC, or any restrictions we may have imposed, [/quote] Well you’re wrong on about everything so…....
[embed]https://x.com/maks_nafo_fella/status/1816121207831306547?s=46[/embed] Once again the cowards Joe Biden and Jake Sullivan screw over Ukraine....
[quote]Today I learned that DeShaun Foster is now the head coach of UCLA.[/quote] WTF happened to Chip Kelly?...
[quote]This is stupidest thing we could do If Europe and the US aren't a safe place to invest your money, that money will go elsewhere. And it will never return, not in our lifetimes.[/quote] Yeah investors are going to take their money out of Wall Street and invest it in St Petersburg, Beijin...
[quote]long as Putin is alive, a peace deal will not be reached and Trump will end giving Ukraine more aid. Freudian slip wee wee?[/quote] Nope. Posting from my phone while sleepy. Plus I’m the heavyweight typo champion of the world....
[quote]I don't think Putin will go for the carrot. If It were Biden offering the carrot I would agree. Trump showed multiple times during his administration that he does not frick around when it comes to foreign policy. He will negotiate with anyone in the world, but he also has the rep that he is...
[quote]Trump gets in office all funding to Ukraine ceases,[/quote] Is that before or after Kharkiv falls in 48 hours?...