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Britain's Gene Pool was 90% Replaced in the Bronze Age

Posted on 5/10/17 at 11:13 pm
Posted by AUstar
Member since Dec 2012
17074 posts
Posted on 5/10/17 at 11:13 pm
(I posted this here because I hate the OT forum. I prefer to leave it here but if it needs to be in the OT forum, so be it).

We've always heard that the Brits are tough and cannot be cucked. They have maintained their island kingdom for millennia without being invaded and conquered (much like Japan). Sure, the Romans took over parts of southern England, but they never conquered most of the Isles. The Romans were especially afraid of the Scotsmen (Picts) whom they thought especially barbaric and uncouth as they marched into battle naked with blue paint on their bodies. As a result of these crazy people, the Romans pulled a Trump and built a wall (Hadrian's wall) to keep them out.

The Roman poet Virgil described the Gaulish (Celtic) peoples as such:

"Golden is their hair and golden their garb. They are resplendent in their striped cloaks, and their milk-white necks are circled with gold."

When the Romans invaded northern Europe, many of the Gauls (Celtics) refused to be taken alive and would commit suicide if they saw the battle was lost. If they didn't commit suicide, they would be condemned to a life of slavery. Here is a Roman depiction of a Gaul and his wife committing suicide.

But all of this is what happened in recorded history. Homer wrote the Illiad and Oddyssey in about 800 BC which detailed the wars between Sparta and Troy. The Trojan wars happened about 400 years before Homer was alive, which would be about like Americans recounting tales from Jamestown or Plymouth. The reason Homer was repetitive and wrote things in "meter" was because in those days children were inculcated with the history of their ancestors by being forced to memorize lines. Meter or rhymes helped with memorization. This is how history was kept before writing.

Before the Greeks and Romans began recording this kind of stuff, we have to rely strictly on archaeology. It turns out lots of interesting things happened in Europe long before before the Greeks and Homer's tales.

Researchers are now taking DNA from ancient skeletons and genotyping them in order to tell us more about archaeological settlements and whether such settlements were a movement of "pots or people" which has always been a difficult job for archaeology to answer alone. In recent decades archaeologists have usually favored "cultural transmission" of technologies without massive population movements (that is, they prefer "pots not people"). DNA is now showing us this is usually wrong (at least in Europe).

Today a massive paper was released out of Harvard with about 100 co-authors from around the world. Their goal was to answer questions about the Bell Beaker culture in Europe during the Copper and Bronze ages (2700-1800 BCE). It was one of Europe's premier cultures at the time spanning most of the Western part of the continent.

About the same time as Bell Beaker, there had been a culture known as Corded Ware that spanned much of Central and Eastern Europe. It was shown last year by geneticists that Corded Ware was the result of massive invasions into Europe from Ukraine and Russia by a people thought to be the original Indo-European speakers (that is they spoke a language that is the ancestor of Latin, Greek, Germanic, Norse, Celtic as well as the modern languages like English, French, Italian). These people are called "Yamnaya" by archaeologists (and "Aryans" by 19th century scholars) and were herders from the Ukrainian/Russian Steppes. They had horses and superior bronze weapons which were probably not in use in Europe at the time. This gave them a massive military edge.

It was shown last year that the Yamnaya invaders helped found the Corded Ware culture. We know this because the Yamnaya male DNA lineage (R1b) almost completely "replaced" the old Neolithic male lineages (such as G2a and T). They also showed that the Yamnaya males "married" the native females because they sampled Corded Ware people and found them to be 70% Yamnaya and 30% EEF (farmers). In other words, the Yamnaya "cucked" the Neolithic farmers.

To the West of these nomadic Steppe invaders was the Bell Beaker culture, centered in Iberia and Britain with outposts encroaching near Corded Ware territory in central Europe. The question they wanted answered was whether the Beakers of central Europe were genetically the same people as those in Iberia and Britain.

According to the DNA sampling in this new paper, the Beaker folk in Iberia (Spain, France) were of old Neolithic Mediterranean stock, while the Beakers in Central Europe were of Yamnaya stock. In other words, the Corded Ware people and Beaker people (in central Europe) were pretty much the same. This implies that the Beaker culture moved from Iberia into the heart of Europe without much population movement. In other words, some of the Steppe (Yamnaya/Aryan) people adopted the Beaker culture.

However, the remaining question was Britain because we know the Beakers moved to Britain during this period. The question has always been were these Iberian Beakers that took over Britain or were they Central European Beakers? Or perhaps there was no movement into Britain at all and it was merely a "cultural transmission." Well, this paper proves that there was a massive movement of people and they were Central European Beakers who were mostly of Yamnaya (Ukrainian invader) stock.

More interestingly, this paper proves that when the Beakers moved into England they basically wiped out the natives. Over 90% of the British gene pool was replaced by these people in just a few hundred years. It had to be either genocide or disease (not many other options). And it wasn't just the male lines being replaced, it was a 90% replacement of the entire gene pool.

This paper also sampled specific alleles that define phenotypic traits like skin color and eye color, etc. These Bell Beaker people brought lighter skin and eyes to Britain. The native Brits were darker, probably like can be seen in pockets in places like Wales today. Some of those old genes have remained and explain why some Brits look almost Mediterranean. But the invading Beaker folk were paler and lighter eyed/haired.

I won't quote the paper because I am approaching character limit. But the entire thing can be found at biorxiv here. The gist of it can be understood by laymen, for the most part.

TL;DR -- Europe was conquered by invaders from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe (Ukraine) in the LN and early bronze age. These Steppe male lines (R1a and R1b) dominated the old neolithic farmer male lines in both the Corded Ware and Bell Beaker cultures of central and northern Europe. However, the Iberian Bell Beakers remained mostly of old Mediterranean farmer stock. In Britain this replacement was even more complete with 90% of the British gene pool being replaced by these Steppe invaders. All of this happened well over a thousand years before Sparta and Troy did battle. It turns out that Britain was invaded, conquered, with the original population almost being completely erased in about 2500 BC.

In other words, this man said to Britain "I must break you"

And he and his comrades were sitting pretty later on:

Posted by kingbob
Sorrento, LA
Member since Nov 2010
67234 posts
Posted on 5/10/17 at 11:22 pm to
Posted by Wolfhound45
Hanging with Chicken in Lurkistan
Member since Nov 2009
120000 posts
Posted on 5/10/17 at 11:24 pm to
Posted by John McClane
Member since Apr 2010
36729 posts
Posted on 5/10/17 at 11:25 pm to
That shite is fascinating
Posted by The Boat
Member since Oct 2008
164533 posts
Posted on 5/10/17 at 11:25 pm to
I'll tip my hat to the new constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around



Then I'll get on my knees and prayyyyy

Posted by Champagne
Already Conquered USA.
Member since Oct 2007
48630 posts
Posted on 5/10/17 at 11:26 pm to
Very interesting.

So you're saying that, here in the West, the White Devils have been slaughtering the colored peoples since 2500 BC, the date upon which White Privilege was born.

Very interesting.
Posted by buckeye_vol
Member since Jul 2014
35250 posts
Posted on 5/10/17 at 11:26 pm to
The Steppe people are an interesting collection of historical cultures.
Posted by crazy4lsu
Member since May 2005
36390 posts
Posted on 5/10/17 at 11:29 pm to
Very interesting. Will look forward to cross-referencing this with other archeogenetic data.

Posted by Stingray
Member since Sep 2007
12421 posts
Posted on 5/10/17 at 11:29 pm to
Steppe Herders/Hunters on horseback militarily dominating farmers? Seems to be a repeating historical theme.
Posted by zatetic
Member since Nov 2015
5677 posts
Posted on 5/10/17 at 11:30 pm to
Ancient Bloodlines and Antediluvian Civilizations

Nestled in the mountains between France and Spain, there is a semi-isolated population of native European people that have long puzzled anthropologists, linguists, and historians, because although they are Caucasoid, they do not fit in with the rest of the European populations.

There's some other outliers, like Finland has an odd branch of linguistics. Celts used to be far more spread out too.
Posted by CelticDog
Member since Apr 2015
42867 posts
Posted on 5/10/17 at 11:39 pm to

island kingdom for millennia without being invaded and conquered

total nonsense.

Angles. English. Angles were from Germany

Norse. there are lots of Norse words in the English language because the Norse came and conquered sea town and valleys of rivers.

Millenia? Link?

bogosity of this thread is stupendous.

unaware of the facts.

Posted by AUstar
Member since Dec 2012
17074 posts
Posted on 5/11/17 at 12:02 am to

Nestled in the mountains between France and Spain, there is a semi-isolated population of native European people that have long puzzled anthropologists, linguists, and historians, because although they are Caucasoid, they do not fit in with the rest of the European populations.

I haven't watched but I would bet they are talking about the Basque people on the border of France and Spain (in isolated pockets). Genetic research has been done on them and the Basque men are overwhelmingly R1b, which is the mark of the Steppe invaders.

However, when you sample their whole genome (and not just the male lines), you find they are less Steppe and more old Neolithic farmer. This implies that a Steppe elite (male dominated warrior band) took over and married the women. This would explain why you find R1b dominating the Y-DNA and Neolithic farmer dominating the rest of the genome.

Also, the Steppe men did not impose their language on the Basques as we know that the Basque language is NOT Indo-European. It is a language isolate that remains from "Old Europe" (i.e. the Neolithic).

Also, there is one major old European population I have left out: the hunter-gatherers. They were in Europe before the Neolithic farmers moved in from the Mediterranean. Basques have a lot of hunter-gatherer ancestry too.
Posted by Speckhunter2012
Lake Charles
Member since Dec 2012
6008 posts
Posted on 5/11/17 at 12:15 am to
While I agree with your points, he is talking thousands of years prior to the Angles or the Norse.

I am open to the discussion.
Our history has been warped to fit a narrative much like MSM does today with the news.

I will read and come to my own conclusion and not be hand fed what someone wants me to believe.
Posted by AUstar
Member since Dec 2012
17074 posts
Posted on 5/11/17 at 12:18 am to

total nonsense.

Angles. English. Angles were from Germany

Anglo-Saxons didn't arrive in England until after the fall of Rome (about 5th century AD). That is about two thousand years AFTER the period I am talking about here.


Norse. there are lots of Norse words in the English language because the Norse came and conquered sea town and valleys of rivers.

Yes, that's because English and Norse are both in the Germanic family of languages. Germanic came to England with the Anglo-Saxons who came from Denmark. Later in 1066 the Normans invaded England and brought French influence to the Anglo language. The Normans themselves were Norsemen living in France who had adopted the French language. In any case, this mixture of French and Germanic evolved into modern English. (Keep in mind that French itself is also Germanic).

Celtic (there's several Celtic languages) was the dominant language spoken in Britain before the Anglo invasions and remains to this day in isolated pockets in places like Ireland. Celtic is NOT Germanic but is more closely related to Italic (Latin) which linguists call Italo-Celtic.

However, Italic, Celtic and Germanic all came from the same parent language: PIE (proto Indo-European) which was spoken by the original Steppe invaders of Europe. PIE is believed to be at least 6,000 years old.

But all of this is moot. I am talking about stuff that happened in 2500ish BC. I am talking about the period where Britain became Celtic in the first place. This is long, long before Rome.
Posted by mmcgrath
Member since Feb 2010
35497 posts
Posted on 5/11/17 at 12:48 am to

They have maintained their island kingdom for millennia without being invaded and conquered (much like Japan).
You do know that a millennia is 1,000 years, right?

I have no idea why you are going back 4,500 years.
Posted by Tigerlaff
FIGHTING out of the Carencro Sonic
Member since Jan 2010
20915 posts
Posted on 5/11/17 at 1:01 am to
This post is thoroughly fascinating and I'm ashamed that people are down voting you.
Posted by wmr
North of Dickson, South of Herman's
Member since Mar 2009
32518 posts
Posted on 5/11/17 at 1:21 am to
So, how we get some reparations for that shite?
Posted by Sidicous
Middle of Nowhere
Member since Aug 2015
17335 posts
Posted on 5/11/17 at 2:28 am to

TL;DR -- Europe was conquered by invaders from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe (Ukraine) in the LN and early bronze age. These Steppe male lines (R1a and R1b) dominated the old neolithic farmer male lines in both the Corded Ware and Bell Beaker cultures of central and northern Europe. However, the Iberian Bell Beakers remained mostly of old Mediterranean farmer stock. In Britain this replacement was even more complete with 90% of the British gene pool being replaced by these Steppe invaders. All of this happened well over a thousand years before Sparta and Troy did battle. It turns out that Britain was invaded, conquered, with the original population almost being completely erased in about 2500 BC.

So yer sayin that White Privilege is the result of Russians tampering with the Erections?
Posted by ManBearTiger
Member since Jun 2007
21871 posts
Posted on 5/11/17 at 2:43 am to
All that exhaustive bullshite to say great Britain was conquered by Nordic people at some point? No shite genius.
Posted by skidry
Member since Jul 2009
3294 posts
Posted on 5/11/17 at 6:00 am to
No, a "millennium" is a period equal to 1000 years. He was apparently talking about 4 and a half of them or 4.5 millennia.

There is no such thing as "a" millenia.
This post was edited on 5/11/17 at 6:02 am
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