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Location:FIGHTING out of the Carencro Sonic
Biography:Things got weird...
Number of Posts:21009
Registered on:1/22/2010
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[quote]There’s nothing wrong with people not wanting kids. It’s better for everyone if they don’t have them, rather than having kids they didn’t want in the first place.[/quote] It's not that simple. If enough people start reaching that conclusion, which they are, we are heading for a really bad an...
You are 100% right. This board does not have a firm grasp of how the rest of the country thinks. All Kamala has to do is not fall over while climbing the dais and utter the words "women's health care" and "orange man bad" and that will be enough for millions of people. ...
[quote]arrested and booked for aggravated battery by cutting[/quote] :lol: amazing what you gotta do to catch an attempted murder charge in NOLA. Chainsawing momma's arm off ain't enough. ...
Musk is so wealthy that he has bigger things on his mind. ...

re: Trump debate

Posted by Tigerlaff on 7/21/24 at 2:03 pm
He is retarded if he appears for a debate. She will come off as normal enough and that's all their voters need. ...
What you're noticing is the empire you live in decaying and dying. ...

re: Anyone dip?

Posted by Tigerlaff on 7/21/24 at 11:32 am
You would be absolutely retarded to just start a dip habit out of the blue. If you need the nicotine just get one of those homo vapes the kids these days have. ...
[quote]Have you forgotten how stupid Harris is? She can’t speak. She’s the 2nd most inept politician behind Biden and even that race isnt a lock. There is a reason she received exactly 0 delegates when running in 2020.[/quote] Only relevant in non-clown world. We live in clown world. Orange man bad...
They are absolutely going to dump Joe and the fact that it ignores the primary voters is totally irrelevant. Democrats won't care at all. 70% of them post debate think he is too old to serve. They can nominate anyone and the sole animating spirit of the 3 month campaign will be "not Trump." It...
They will start digging into the China deals if he doesn't quit. ...
[quote]The pendulum always swings back eventually[/quote] Maybe we will be smart enough to actually use the power, both hard and soft, this time. ...

re: I do NOT want unity

Posted by Tigerlaff on 7/16/24 at 7:58 am
Nope. When we win power it's time to use it against our enemies. That's where we are now. Rubicon is crossed. Put people in jail. Bankrupt them with litigation. Investigate their businesses. Novel legal theories. Revoke security clearances. Change laws to allow for prosecution. It's all on the ta...
[quote]Trump let the party backers pick his VP. It was a peace offering to them then just as it is now. And like Pence I'm not real big on this guy either but hey at the end of the day Trump is the one we are voting for not the VP.[/quote] Are you serious? :lol: I can assure you, the GOPe did ...
Vance absolutely loathes the administrative state. He will burn it to the ground if given the chance. ...

re: When Vance Kissed The Ring

Posted by Tigerlaff on 7/15/24 at 4:14 pm
I did not vote for Trump in 2016. I thought he was a fraud. He had been a Democrat his entire life. I voted for the libertarian ticket. I was wrong. You couldn't convince me to vote for anyone else in 2020 or 2024. ...
America is poorer for the loss of this patriot. He died with honor and let him never be forgotten for what he did for his family. ...
That isn't the last one we're gonna have to kill. Someone else will try again. ...
[quote]We are on an irreversible path to bloodshed[/quote] It's been that way for a long time. ...