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Registered on:8/19/2015
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My DL is rejected a lot because at some point in renewing my license someone got fat fingered and made a 1year incorrect birth date that I must go to the parish court to correct. With my health it’s been years and no end in sight....

re: GMT

Posted by Sidicous on 7/26/24 at 7:43 am
[quote]Morning Sid Good luck. Do you have diabetes or drink a lot? Increase risk[/quote] I became an insulin dependent diabetic 3 days before my 57th birthday 3 years ago. I don't drink or even cook with alcohol for the last 20-25 years. Whatever any others do is fine, I just stopped as I p...

re: GMT

Posted by Sidicous on 7/26/24 at 6:25 am
Morning everyone. 1st cousin is going to be driving me to and from Shreveport for my mid morning appointment with the GI specialists. Mom turned feverish yesterday and I am already puking this morning. I am 2 years overdue for a couple of annual monitoring tests: MRI pancreas to make sure the ...
[quote]Let’s say we’re all standing in a circle around the leg, and we all know it needs to go on ice. Who’s picking up the leg and who’s giving up their ice chest? Owlie will already be posting about it so he’s out. Oweo will still be replying some driveling diatribe to a post from 4 days ago. So w...

re: Antarctica Facts

Posted by Sidicous on 7/24/24 at 5:21 am
I took an oceanography course at LaTech in the mid 80’s with a geology professor who was also a highly trained diver. He spent several class sessions showing us the slide images he took from an Antarctic expedition he was part of. He had a sub glacial iceberg named after him as he was the first t...
Morning everyone. Been up for a couple hours fighting my guts. Hopefully am making progress as I have an appointment in Shreveport Friday morning. Got a robot call from insurance that coverage changed again and I will be receiving 2 weeks worth of frozen meals like happened once in late summer...

re: Anyone been bit by a brown recluse?

Posted by Sidicous on 7/23/24 at 5:52 am
I got bit on the left side of my belly as I was helping move Mom from HSV, AR to the Funroe area. There's nothing fun about wearing a seat belt directly over the open, weeping, wound for several hours while bouncing over the roads....

re: GMT

Posted by Sidicous on 7/23/24 at 5:42 am
Morning everyone. Trying to stay in out of the rain. Could get some thunder later in the day. Have a great day everyone....

re: Need to cull my wardrobe. Tips?

Posted by Sidicous on 7/22/24 at 5:16 am
One good side effect of moving state to state as a kid was learning early about culling and keeping possessions to a minimum. Mom at 86 still has 3, 5, and 10 year culls. I had a near absolute cull with the destruction of my last residence. Basically a single closet of clothes and a couple of pc’...

re: GMT

Posted by Sidicous on 7/22/24 at 4:55 am
Morning everyone. Kinda shaky start but with the good lord’s help the 1st cup of tea is staying down. Hopefully the pharmacy gets a good delivery this morning so I can actually start on the medicine program the hospital drew up. Already sprinkling rain and supposed to be raining all week. Been...
[quote] My folks unplug any applicable not in use, including lamps, drives me crazy whenever I’m staying at their house[/quote] Good luck getting them to change but feel free to reference my 3 fractured lumbar caused by simply plugging in an electrical cord at an odd angle. It may eventuall...

re: GMT

Posted by Sidicous on 7/21/24 at 6:32 am
Morning everyone. I got home from a 2nd weeklong hospital stay yesterday evening. Basically skipped out on life the last half of July. Gonna be a bit longer recovering this time. Had to get a NG-tube and the vomiting still didn’t want to stop. Plus the 1st couple of attempts the tube wound around...
I would love to see Trump roll out in a pimped out pope-mobile with gold trim made of ballistic glass. :thup:...
What actually happened the last time price fixing on housing was tried was landlords simply shuttered their units rather than abide an artificial rate resulting in a severe housing shortage. “Hello! Homeless problem already exists!” Actually happened in the late 60’s/early 70’s. At some point th...
I have 2 that have survived like 3-4 new pc’s. The Hunter: COTW and a little indie space game called “Endless Skies” (think it is free on steam) I install/uninstall STO periodically since it 1st came out....
As one ages one finds there really are only 7 basic plots in the sub total of recorded history. Basically, EVERY release is a remake of an adaptation of a rerelease....
He’s already a lab assistant, just how much more punishment should his life decisions bring?...

re: What does Merchan do now?

Posted by Sidicous on 7/15/24 at 10:49 am
They don’t put 78 year old men in Rikers and can’t make such an obvious exception without a higher court stepping in....
[quote]FYI: There's one right off the interstate in Crestview, Fl. that is Chick-Fil-A-like. They're polite, efficient and always have fresh food. I'm in that area twice a month for work and routinely pick up lunch for our staff.[/quote] When I was working in MidCities FTW I used to eat a lot of ...
[quote]I didn’t even bring up the equally smarmy Kaitlan Collins.[/quote] With her jawline it’s going to be funny watching her turning into Popeye as she ages. [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cartoonbucket.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F03%2FSide-Pose-...