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re: Game replays worth revisiting

Posted by AUstar on 7/26/24 at 8:40 pm
Just came across a bunch of AU football reviews from the 90's with Tot. I was watching him recap the '95 Ole Siss game and I'll be damned if AU wasn't running HUNH most of the game. Tot said "we went no huddle to wear them down." Tot was ahead of the game more than we gave him credit for. :che...

Trump Needs To Pull Ultimate Troll

Posted by AUstar on 7/26/24 at 4:40 pm
Do his speech from on top of the sloped roof....
Wray was in the same Yale class as Anderson Cooper and they were on the rowing team together. He is almost certainly Dem. You don't get accepted to Yale otherwise....
I can't wait to see the security this time. They will have SEAL Team 6 on top of that building. :lol:...

re: Football Recruiting Thread

Posted by AUstar on 7/26/24 at 2:54 pm
So Gus can only flip Bama recruits after he leaves AU....
What's funny is they are basically admitting the border is a disaster. Otherwise they would have no problem calling her border czar....
B1G and SEC will both have 4. ACC with two, big12 with one. That will leave room for the top Go5 team. This is on average. Might have years where one conference is a little down while another is up, etc. I do think they will try to throw a Go5 team in every year regardless....
NyPost reported that a source close to Biden said that Obama is not happy with this whole process because he doesn't think Kamala can beat Trump. Notice how he has been completely silent publicly surrounding her "nomination." If he was enthusiastic about her he would have been singing her praises fr...
The man in the video claims they are calling "6,000" Marshals. That would be impossible as the Marshal service only has 5,600 members (including desk jobs) according to the Marshals website. ...

re: Gubment harassing farmers

Posted by AUstar on 7/25/24 at 6:06 pm
I mean, I wouldn't drink milk that hasn't been pasteurized. ...

More Polls

Posted by AUstar on 7/25/24 at 6:02 pm
Here's some other polls. [b]National:[/b] NYT/Siena College Number polled: 1,142 likely voters Margin of error: 3.1% Trump: 48% Harris: 47% Morning Consult Number polled: 11,297 registered voters Margin of error: 1% Harris: 46% Trump: 45% Change research Number polled: 2,13...
Full details: 1,074 likely voters were polled by a combination of telephone and an online survey. Trump: 50% Harris:43% Third party: 4% Undecided: 3% Margin of error: 3% at a 95% confidence interval There is more data but Rasmussen puts it behind a paywall, so this is all they list fo...

Any Free AU Boards?

Posted by AUstar on 7/24/24 at 5:57 pm
This place is dead and AU family has become even more dead than here (and I don't like the posters there anyway). Other schools have massive and very busy free boards, but there's none for AU. They are all lame paywalls....

re: Coaches whose firing hurt the program

Posted by AUstar on 7/24/24 at 5:52 pm
Mike Dubose at Bama. One of their finer coaches who won them an SEC title. They did that man wrong....
I'm not gonna pile on. Public speaking is scarier than death for some people....
Yep the good ole days. Taxes Crime Welfare reform Mid-east oil policy Containing USSR That was about it. No president ever chimed in on local events or criminal cases, etc.. Obama started that shite....

re: WH Press Briefing 7/24 1:30 ET

Posted by AUstar on 7/24/24 at 3:26 pm
Did anyone ask her why neither Biden or Kamala showed for Netanyahu's speech?...

re: Football Recruiting Thread

Posted by AUstar on 7/24/24 at 3:22 pm
Is it just me or are B1G schools recruiting the SE more than ever? I know they always have here and there, but it seems they are highly successful now. (Yes almost certainly because of NIL)....
I always find the term "lived experience" rather confusing. Is there such a thing as a dead experience?...
[quote]The redhead cop was absolutely useless[/quote] I can fix her. :pimp:...