On Undisputed this morning, Keyshawn Johnson said he talked to a college coach after Oregon's beatdown who revealed coaches from other teams were calling Oregon to help them gameplan...
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(The Big Lead)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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Timeoday12 months
They really do believe they are that intelligent. One only has to look around .....
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HC8712 months
Take your arse whopping like a man & leave your lunch money (or sunglass money) on the table....and prepare to do it again this week vs USC. Too funny, I'm sure this week there will be an even more ludicrous excuse.
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LuckyTiger5712 months
Get a grip Keshawn. All coaches talk about how to plan against other teams.
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good_2_geaux12 months
excuses, excuses, excuses

You think coaches don’t “share” details on how to beat Bama each week? Give me a break.
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6R1212 months
Oh stop that foolishness. Now it's a full on racial thing, it's just silly. UNLESS A BLACK COACH stepped up and said I don't want Dieon to pass me up???? LOL
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bobbydigital12 months
Keyshawn must be a 9/11 truther too
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BuzzSaw 1212 months
They should've let him finish because him accusing all those other coaches of racism was about to come out of his idiotic mouth.
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Datbayoubengal12 months
The fact that yall pretend to think half of the hate he (Deion) gets isn't because he's an outspoken black man with bravado is hilarious. Keep pretending you don't know.
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CanebreakCajun12 months
Hey Datracist, I'm pretty sure a lot of people on here also think a white coach, with bravado,named Sean Payton is a douchebag too. But, hey keep on.
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Timeoday12 months
White man plans or says something regarding another white man and nothing is said. White man plans or says something regarding a black man and suddenly it becomes racist.

Well, I am a racist. I will say whatever I want to anyone I want regardless of the number of hair follicles or IQ!!
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Gus Tinsley12 months
So what???
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ThatTahoeOverThere12 months
I admit it. I called in and told Oregon to blitz 4 and drop 7.
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Captain Lafitte12 months
LOL, the most absurd thing I've heard to excuse a loss.
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SelaTiger12 months
Yep, there are so many racist colleges and they were collaborating on helping Oregon beat Colorado.
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Mr Happy12 months
Controversy and getting people angry is good for ratings.
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CR409012 months
Key is full of bulljunk.
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Hamma112212 months
I could have beat Colorado. The talent gap was overwhelming. LOS was dominated by the ducks. Cmon man
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benoit47912 months
Yall really hate seeing a black coach ruffling feathers. lol
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Nix to Twillie12 months
It's not him. It's people like Keyshawn making a victim out of him after one bad game. You know what's coming--The good thing is I don't think Prime wants any part of the narrative.

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CanebreakCajun12 months
Yes, Deion is the first black coach ever.
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SwampGar12 months
Just casually calling everyone who does not particularly like his style or are not fans of his team a racist, are we? How it reads.
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FredBear12 months
This is the media trying to stir things up for publicity and ratings I guess. It's damn irresponsible though
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SwampGar12 months
It is race baiting, and I have been seeing it everywhere. I am not fans of them per se, but I still have some respect for what they have done so far. But most of the comments I read are people making it about race. Super messed up.
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SwampyWaters12 months
Total BS! Sanders and Colorado got its arse beat because they were outplayed and out-coached. PERIOD!
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mcpotiger12 months
?? No they just aren’t very good. What a moron!
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Unicorn Milk12 months
So that's how they won 42-6? I was wondering what the secret was in the sauce. Lol, idiot. You can bet your arse though that the Oregon coach got a call after 35 points at halftime to pull back to not completely embarrass the Cinderella story that's making them a butt load of money in ratings.
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BlackPot12 months
Because a top D1 school can't gameplan for themselves. Got it. Great take Unc.
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