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heard it’s a fricking mess down there...

re: CNN on Harris Dragging Biden Down

Posted by SelaTiger on 7/26/24 at 3:53 pm
people changed their minds. she’s very likeable now!...
that’s Mickey Goldmill with the shaved head, high heels and sunglasses with arse showing. ...
yet she hid evidence to keep people locked up. She changes with the wind. But keeping innocent people locked up is evil and more indicative of her true character. ...
sounds like she owes reparations. Her personally, not giving away taxpayer money....
he should say “no, why would i want to be interviewed by the people who had a hand in it?”...
he should buy NBC and fire all the evil woke fricks...
whatever protection he has now, triple it at least. Even if Trump has to provide it for him. ...
nah, you liberals have to deal with it. Go to DU if you want liberal kumbaya. ...
because it’s hard to be wru and rbu...
They can do whatever they want. Change the rules whenever they want. It may be Kamala, or it may be someone else. They probably don’t even know for sure yet. ...
Because Toyota acknowledges the problem and doesn’t deny it. That’s why Toyota is being patted on the back. No, we shouldn’t have to, but GM has been denying transmission problems and basically telling people to go frick themselves. ...
An airbag is a lot different than changing the motor out. GM would have half asses this, they have proven it in the past. They won’t even acknowledge the problem much less fix it. Toyota don’t frick around....
Wow, a company admitting quickly there are problems and fixing them. GM denies denies denies. ...
people who contribute vs people who only take...