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He ain't doing shite. If I import 1000 illegals tomorrow via charter busses to liberal Austin TX do I win a rino award?...
I'm no leftist. I'm hard right. Nazi level right. Yall sound like a bunch of Jeb Bush Republicans. ...
No I just fail to see what good it does. It's still importing illegals. ...
[quote] Arizona tried it your way by handling it themselves. They tried building their own barriers to stop it. Then Feds showed up.[/quote] Yeah, where they fricked up is not standing their ground and shooting them when they came to enforce their law....
[quote] You get the point, take the illegals to the homes of the people who are allowing the invasion and keep delivering these illegals by the hundreds to their front doors.[/quote] And what good does that do?...
No. Yall think you're right wing. Revolutions aren't started by cowardly men playing by the rules. You think the left cares about jurisdiction or laws? Keeping playing by the rules and see where you end up....
I see many agencies and individuals overstep their authority on the left and nothing happens. If he had balls he would deport them and dare the Feds to do something about it....
He's still not deporting them. Political grand standing at best. Treason at worst. ...
World Economic Forum Council on Foreign Relations Federal Reserve ...
MMR is what they are going at auction. Dealerships are always gonna try to purchase at or below auction value. JD Power doesnt even have a book on it and thats what most banks go by when financing a vehicle. Anything over 11k is crazy IMHEO. Nice truck? Yes but not for almost 14k. You can find bette...
No doubt. This was planned by enemies of the state within our government. Bureaucracy is covering its traitorous tracks. Cheatle doesn't know everything but she knows enough to get to the person or people at the bottom of this assassination attempt....
[quote]La. public schools rated 47th[/quote] Thats the highest I can ever recall. Normally we are in a dead heat for last with Landmass...
weird history on that truck. It was only driven 2000 miles in the past 5 years. When covid started the maintenance stopped. ...
Average retail is 11k MMR is 4,225 IMO you could get it for 9000...
Im failing to see the big fricking deal about the shell casings. Maybe I'm jaded but id like to see ballistics testing done on the casings and sound analysis done by an independent entity that is Trump friendly. Cant trust the FBI or any government agency to investigate this because they should b...