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Broyota229 months
That sum bish can sell some tickets.
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CDawson29 months
Which is ironic, especially in the South, with his anti America rants.
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dchog29 months
Look at his competition and you know why.
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mikelbr29 months
The videos don't do it justice. Was louder than any football game. The fans on the floor created a wall of sound coming up to the fans in the stands. Unreal. Amazin
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CDawson29 months
That’s because more than half the stadium was filled.
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KennabraTiger29 months
Rotate your phone you fricking communist
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jscrims29 months
How many people do you think were there? No way to leave at halftime to beat this traffic.
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SwampBandit29 months
127k from what I read
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Skinny29 months
Thats Chris Gaines!
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cypresstiger29 months
Looks like Every white person still living in the BR area was there
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kajuntiga29 months
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4x4tiger29 months
Yeah. The nerve of them white people going to a concert and enjoying themselves. They should be out shooting up one another
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Robber DeNiro29 months
99.9 percent white folks
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JackieTreehorn29 months
Looks like Garth ate Trisha
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supadave329 months
That looks like so much fun. You people are f'n miserable and want company. I would have had a blast and sung every word with 'em.
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lsuhou7429 months
Yep...bunch of losers always belly aching...miserable fuksticks..
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Timeoday29 months
Who was the grammy award winning songwriter and guitarist from Shreveport that he announced before Calling Baton Rouge?
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SofaKingTrill29 months
Gordon Kennedy
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kkv7529 months
Is this the best video we have? No one closer filmed it? Why not show it from a satellite in space?
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Fightin Okra29 months
It was awesome live. LSU football needs that version for games
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Nix to Twillie29 months
Moscona actually has a really good video on his YouTube channel.
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Highland n Stadium29 months
Before I seeing him live, I would have told you I could take it or leave it in regards to his music. I was there with good seats. Atmosphere was lit AF from start to finish!
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Hurricane Mike29 months
Garth's music can stand alone without being live
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Deltatiger29 months
It was great. One of the best I've seen. L S U chants breaking out randomly. Crowd was electric for more than just the first 30 minutes of the show...which has been missing in that place.
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jatilen29 months
Let me get my magnifying glass out
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Deltatiger29 months
That's what she said
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mcpotiger29 months
Looks Like hell on earth!
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Hurricane Mike29 months
Garth triggers almost as many people as Donald Trump, I couldn't even tell you the names of the rappers I don't listen to
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LSU-DUDE29 months
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TKLSUMD29 months
I saw him play in Baton Rouge around 30 years ago at an indoor facility in Baton Rouge. He can really put on a good show.
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The Boat29 months
Either that camera or those seats were trash. We were on the West side near there stage and the one video I took during the concert sounds way better.
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LSUTigerDDS29 months
I was their. That video doesn’t do I justice. That stadium was rocking…
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KennabraTiger29 months
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SirWinston29 months
I hate when bands play songs at 1.2 speed live. Slow the frick down.
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Scotcho Libre29 months
From Shreveport, Loozeeanuh, give it up for %#@!!!
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