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Deep State doing what it does...

re: DOGE: will the camps open or not?

Posted by 4x4tiger on 12/7/24 at 9:57 am
I texted a blue dog democrat friend of mine (I say that as he's not a crazed progressive. Just stuck in 1970's Dem mode) the day after Trump won and let him know I'll put in a good word for him when we open up the camps...
Nope. But I found this [img]https://www-thesun-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/nintchdbpict0003566079811.jpg?strip=all&w=694[/img]...
Watched my uncle die from it. Saw him for the last time and it was very hard watching him fight to breathe. Something I'll never forget. But he was good with the Lord and he's doing a lot better today. RIP Unc...
Everything is a lie on the left and their propagandist media...

re: Bezos wants to buy the Bears?

Posted by 4x4tiger on 12/5/24 at 9:48 pm
I've seen them around a bit on some conservative sites. Didn't know they were from Laffy...
I'm definitely giving and doing what I can for Fleming to get Cassidy tf out...
The Middle East is starting to look like a spiderman meme with all the different groups that are fighting [img]https://i.imgflip.com/5l4mgs.png[/img]...
"Required" means how bout y'all bring the wives so that we big shots can see which ones we wanna hit...
[img]https://i.imgflip.com/9cpmm8.gif[/img] [img]https://media.tenor.com/yuHYhAGTc-4AAAAM/stone-cold.gif[/img]...
All my years, I've only given money to Trump on his recent campaign. I will do so for a second time for Fleming. I hate Cassidy with the heat of a thousand suns...
[quote]BobTheTerrible[/quote] I don't think he's even around anymore. He had this bit where he'd refer to some on here as a punkola IIRC...

re: Cyber attack? WTF?

Posted by 4x4tiger on 12/4/24 at 11:54 am
NSA definitely has my dick pics...
My company just switched to UHC. Might be me soon...
Pepper definitely had something to do with this. Cats are real assholes...
[quote]thank God! now I'll be able to sleep tonight[/quote] :lol:...

re: RFK Jr is a Cajun Baw

Posted by 4x4tiger on 11/28/24 at 8:44 pm
[quote]Frying a turkey with bare feet. Bold move.[/quote] Is there any other way?...