Favorite team:LSU 
Location:The South
Biography:LSU grad, twice
Interests:LSU, Saints
Occupation:no response
Number of Posts:12088
Registered on:8/31/2008
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but with Dr. Doom supposedly appearing in Secret Wars, I'm wondering if Secret Wars will not just bring together heroes vs villains like the comic, but time traveling heroes and villains. Like... would Chris Evans show up as the WWII Cap, the FF in their Cold War iterations...
—Glad to say I have n
He won the Oscar for best actor in Charly.
Silva’s “rats” speech in Skyfall
There were two common words my mom would use "Always" and "Never"... I remember I had it with those two words and one day I said "Don't you know any other words?"
---ONE time my mom was complaining about my behavior and I came back with, "Since you raised me, it's really your fault."

Boy was t
This is the Willowbrook/Champions area in Houston
—I know that one. Good call. Like a lot of Popeyes in Houston, most of the employees speak English as a 2nd language and work their tails off
Send ‘em to Yscloskey and watch the fun
He got fired
—As Trump says, WRONG. He quit to run for Ohio governor
I vote thumbs up. Let them continue to ruin themselves with more and more stupidity.
next wife vehicle
—what car does your current wife want?
The women love them some smut books and fantasy novels

“Wimmen wanna be transPORTED to anuther place and tiiiime” —Senator Strom Thurmond, as played by Dana Carvey
Love your paint. Makes it look like she’s seen several tough missions
—that was the problem, not Kellen Moore

re: What's living in Corpus like?

Posted by cypresstiger on 1/31/25 at 11:44 am
Able was i ere i saw Elba.
—Napoleon (if only he spoke English)

re: How’d you sleep last night?

Posted by cypresstiger on 1/29/25 at 4:50 pm

How’d you sleep last night?
—with my eyes closed

re: LSU online course question

Posted by cypresstiger on 1/29/25 at 8:58 am
Indian math professor that spoke 500 words per minute.
—Yes. Mine was in a basement in Lockett.
So wait I can legally roll Mexicans and take their cash now?
—payback is due