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Location:Houston, TX
Number of Posts:18022
Registered on:1/26/2015
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The majority of purist golfers hate Bryson, so it’s no wonder that he’s based....
[quote]I was that kid that would pick up cups around me after the game.[/quote] Thanks for that little shot of nostalgia :cheers:...
[quote]Lack of intelligence[/quote] Of frick off you self righteous douche....
I plead ignorance, not a-hole. If it’s sarcasm, fine. Funny I guess. I was too slow. Wasn’t the first time, won’t be the last....
He could just quit instead of be insane, but whatever. ETA: yeah, I missed it....
[quote]they had to move on to the next fake hoax[/quote] Fake? Hoax? Explain....
Met her a few times. She wasn’t exactly a warm blanket but she was tough. RIP...

re: 616 Pounds | Will Campbell

Posted by Nix to Twillie on 7/19/24 at 4:56 pm
Misinterpreted the title. Glad it’s what you posted and not what I thought ...
[quote]If you don’t like this speech then move to another country. [/quote] What if we just think it’s …just okay? Do we get to stay? :rolleyes:...
[quote]I specifically referenced how violence has no part in political discourse.[/quote] Sounds like a "both sides" argument. Anyone on the right that didn't call all cops racist after George Floyd was shamed. Anyone that called it a "riot" instead of an "insurrection/attack on democracy" ...
[quote]I've always been a critic of cancel culture.[/quote] As have I. And it was a fair question. Surely you can see the difference in, say, what Gina Carrano posted that got her fired from Star Wars, and THIS. When it comes to THIS, I wouldn't be the one leading the charge to shame thi...
[quote]I'm not a Leftist[/quote] Honest question: at the height of cancel culture when we saw people on the right (or hell, just non leftists) getting harassed for controversial statements, did you actively denounce it on this board without both sides-ing it? If you did, and I’m unaware, good f...
[quote]This entire thread is bullshite. [/quote] What are your thoughts on what the person who is the subject of this thread posted? Let’s just start there. Because as much as I try to give you the benefit of the doubt, it gets more difficult when you have to twist yourself in knots to...

re: Will #7 ever be cleansed?

Posted by Nix to Twillie on 7/18/24 at 6:39 pm
[quote]When it went to the "playmaker" I think it put pressure on the guy wearing it and put a target on the player for other teams.[/quote] I used to get slammed for saying the same thing, but you're absolutely correct. "Here's this number. Now go be perfect."...

re: Will #7 ever be cleansed?

Posted by Nix to Twillie on 7/18/24 at 6:38 pm
[quote]When will it reach a point where an incoming freshman can pick up the number without people thinking anything of it.[/quote] the sooner they just throw it to a freshman kicker and say to hell with it, the better....