Filed Under: LSU Football
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ezride2554 months
CEH’s won’t be denied TD at Bama and his reaction afterward is one of my favorite sporting moments of all time.
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Havoc54 months
I think this is how it ended up: LINK
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Havoc54 months
Love both those guys. Looks like Clyde going cut the left while TM set to the right. TM quick enough to probably cut back and make a stop or assist but will be close.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy54 months
CEH does not skip leg day. Ever.
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KING NOLA54 months
Man TM7 is squared up but just look at that pure power in CEH thighs, BEAST on BEAST.
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Filmat1154 months
Clyde did not miss any days in the weight room!
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TheTigershark54 months
Check out TM's eyes glued to that football
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LSUAlum200154 months
CEH looks like he's going left, but he's about to spin and go right.
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Black n Gold54 months
Looks like Honey Badger is about to get dropped to his knees.
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eddieray54 months
It looks like his calves are the real story here.
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225Tyga54 months
Can we see the video?
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Zephyrius54 months
I made the mistake of scrolling down to find one... creepy.
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kdemon54 months
Even before CEH committed to LSU, I knew he had this kind of potential. Can't wait to see him on Sunday, and yeah I would get him in the first round of fantasy football.
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ArkLaTexTiger54 months
CEH looks a little thicker than the Honey Badger.
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udtiger54 months
"Boys"? Outrage incoming
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Peepdip54 months
Take a break
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Fightin Okra54 months
CEH about to spin past him then they probably shared a good laugh.
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Yeti_Chaser54 months
Clyde probably grew up dreaming of being on the field with TM7. Awesome story
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IneffableSyzygy54 months
Holy shite. We are witnessing iron sharpening iron in still-shot form. NFLSU is not a joke.
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Havoc54 months
Well how’d it end up? Two greats.
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Bristol Dawg54 months
At that distance, TM7 is not letting CEH by.
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Honest Tune54 months
At that distance, Tyrann doesn’t let anyone by ha
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coolpapaboze54 months
Looks like TM7 has all his weight on his left foot while CEH is already moving in the other direction.
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burreauxxx54 months
Fukn right
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