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Location:Constitutional Republic
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Registered on:11/11/2008
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Nuss bus got four flats and no spare

Posted by ezride25 on 11/30/24 at 6:45 pm
Paid Kelly too much and can’t even afford an Uber. ...

re: MAGA is screwing up BlueSky.

Posted by ezride25 on 11/21/24 at 11:27 am
Oh man. This is not part of the authorized doctrine. He will be labeled a threat to democracy, banned, and then shunned. ...

re: The trans bathroom thing

Posted by ezride25 on 11/21/24 at 11:23 am
“We just want to get married” That slope was more of a cliff really. ...
We had better not be paying to send these people all the way back to their country of origin. Put them on the other side of the river they crossed and let these frickers who facilitated an invasion of our country reap what they have sown. Zero fricks given. Mexico can sort out who can stay in ...
Mandate deniers. [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.ZPcpe90kdFiUoz5i6LN1VAHaDv%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=5178ff1478d3234dbcaa6a24fa01d88bedb14506df7085ddde6f66070df918d7&ipo=images[/img] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com...
I don’t know what it is, but something about that woman is deeply disturbing to me. ...
Right now everyone is busy rounding up females with shaved heads. Check back next week. ...
FEMA asked for my Katrina card dollars back after the storm. frickem. ...
What did trump ever see in that guy?...
Elon has mastered time travel. It’s that simple. ...
I don’t like fishsticks either. ...
At this point you have to think Brandon might just call Trump and ask him what he’d do anyway. What does he care? He’d probably enjoy another chance at sticking it to them. ...
Right now the left is focused on beating the drum about how Trump lied bc Ukraine wasn’t over in 24 hours...
She is lecturing us about how we are wrong. Think about that. :crazy:...
There are those that believe what they do directly and with intention, all the while knowingly delving deeper into depravity. And yet there are others who would seem to be aligned on the surface, but who do not have the same countenance inwardly as they show outwardly. When I see these lunat...

re: Liberals buying up TP

Posted by ezride25 on 11/7/24 at 5:48 pm
I’ve got a used roll for half off. ...
Can we trade them straight up for the truckers?...
I bought clocks too Doncha know?...

re: Young dim sings after election

Posted by ezride25 on 11/7/24 at 4:52 pm
Pack it up. Pack it in. ...
Glass ceiling 2, most unpopular presidential candidates ever 0. ...