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Location:Wharton, La.
Number of Posts:8033
Registered on:12/19/2004
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[quote]Zero in Louisiana… ??[/quote] Louisiana is the North Korea dark of high rise building construction- shows how shitty La. leadership has been the past eight years...
Poland elects a socialist and now prepare for all out war... uncanny how this happens so often....

re: Bacon grease

Posted by Zephyrius on 7/10/24 at 8:24 am
Thanks for posting. I recently found a small jar in the back of the fridge. Heated a dab up and tasted fine but was still weary of using as I have no idea how long its been back there....
[quote]I was a kid, but I remember the Freedom Train that came to LSU that year.[/quote] I saw the freedom train pass from my bedroom window in St. Rose....
[quote] and now both the HMON & HWRF show a Cozumel impact. This probably doesn't matter much, but because of the shape of the Texas coast, it could result in the system getting as far north as Port Aransas vs. Port Isabel. [/quote] [img]https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/icon/202407...
[quote][img]https://i.postimg.cc/RZTjFjWc/Screenshot-20240703-080649-Chrome.jpg[/img][/quote] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/TfS8MAR9ucLHW/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9526ix5cwyy91lb6k8zpy0s20ne6eqntj6gify43gi8&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
I really hope he doesn't take any North Atlantic cruises soon....
Unfortunately I think Bannon is correct. They gonna push M. Obama as the nominee. Another corrupt presidential election cycle, The country will be torn further apart no matter who wins....
[quote]Frig her. She will once again get to big for her britches. She can't help it.[/quote] You are a retard if you watched the show and that's your take....
[quote]Look at the British royal family today. Now imagine them and all their cousins having real power. That's how you get WWI.[/quote] Simplistic view but one reason why Ferdinand was targeted is that he was in favor of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire breaking with Germany and forming an Alliance w...
[quote] quote: First Friday devotions What is this?[/quote] a Catholic devotion in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to offer reparations for sins to the Blessed Sacrement....
[embed]https://x.com/EduardHabsburg/status/1806633666509996521[/embed] Sarajevo refused to turn over those responsible to Franz Joseph's government(Austrian-Hungarian empire) which became the catalyst for Germany to start WWI....

re: Need some 4th of July menu ideas

Posted by Zephyrius on 6/28/24 at 1:44 pm
[quote]Add this Devil's Food Toffee Trifle[/quote] We(wife) usually does a strawberry/ blueberry trifle with white chocolate pudding and angel food cake which never has any left overs. But that devils food trifle looks really good. [img]https://betweennapsontheporch.net/wp-content/uploads/2...
[quote]The PSC doesn't look into any of this. And power companies are raising rates because shite overall cost more. You want to talk about 20% inflation in the grocery store, half year blanket material orders are averaging 30-40% increases. And have been since 2021. [/quote] The commissioner in t...
[quote]CLECO was sold to British group and private equity- never a good thing.[/quote] Correct. And Centerpoint Energy has announced recently they are selling to private equity....

CLECO to raise rates starting in July

Posted by Zephyrius on 6/27/24 at 8:29 am
This seems extreme and the PSC needs to be called out. PSC seems more concerned for share holders are not looking out for Louisiana residents/ customers. [link=(https://louisianaradionetwork.com/2024/06/24/cleco-to-raise-prices-in-july-october/)]LINK[/link] [quote]The Louisiana Public Service...
[quote]Has there ever been or does anyone know of a shark attack in the Louisiana marsh or South Louisiana coastline?[/quote] Sharks don't go past Orange Beach. Sharks are enjoying their protective status. Last thing they need is the optics of a Great White feeding on the Mississippi beaches....
This bullshite shouldn't end well for her but in today's clown world she will probably get promoted....

re: Mexican Train is like crack

Posted by Zephyrius on 6/24/24 at 10:40 am
[quote] Dominos and Cards have lasted the test of time and still kick arse. [/quote] Our family plays zauncheck(card game with mulitple decks also called or similar to contract rummy) and mexican train....
[quote]The guy has been in office for a few months, major change takes years. Most real change happens behind closed doors and is slow moving; give the guy time, after his third year we will see if the fruits of his labor are ripe for reelection. [/quote] The Sadvocate employees on this board will ...