New LSU offensive guard Damien Lewis met with the media on Tuesday and many local reporters took notice of his huge arms, which led to questions about how much he could bench and squat, along with how many pushups he could do without rest.

His answer? 80, which is pretty crazy for a 320-pound offensive lineman.

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Lewis transferred to LSU this offseason after spending time at Northwest Mississippi JUCO in Senatobia, MS.

Head coach Ed Orgeron has complimented Lewis' play many times throughout Spring Practice, suggesting that he could play immediately for the Tigers.
Filed Under: LSU Football
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Lebowski82 months
Looks like what’s normal at Bama.
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TigerSpray82 months
The new, '' big bad booty daddy, this goes out to all my freaks out there. Holler if ya hear me...??''
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CharlesLSU82 months
Old Nebraska o lineman would be envious. That’s an impressive looking hog right there!
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LSUvet7282 months
Time to pancake some of those evil Pachyderms
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jennyjones82 months
I've seen bigger quads in the quad. Nevermind those are his arms
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BallCoachinFool82 months
He needs a 2X shirt with 5X sleeves
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Nix to Twillie82 months
Loved him in Homeland.
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TigerFan5555582 months
dats a huuuge bitch!
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tigercreole82 months
Say that to his face.
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lsucoonass82 months
Damn That’s impressive He looks lean for a guy his size too
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BassMan6382 months
Being retired military and now a Private Military Contractor I have stayed in great shape. Used to crank out 100 pushups and 100 situps before running a 1.5 mile run. We had 2 minutes to do as many pushups as possible. Many did the max of 100, but I saw guys that could easily crank out 200 to 300 with ease. But a big man at 320 doing 80 without stopping is impressive. Long arms and all it is much harder I think.
user avatar
NFLU782 months
I feel like you’re lying. Currently in the Army and I’ve never seen someone knockout 200 or 300 push-ups muchless without ease. Rarely do I see someone even get into the 70s or 80s in push-ups. And I’m not really sure what branch has a max of 100 push-ups but I’m positive the Army does not, it’s actually 71 for a 100 score on the APFT pushup section.
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supatigah82 months
Road grader
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SamuelClemens82 months
In the military we had push-up competitions for 120 seconds. I could, along with several others, bust out 100+ in those 2 minutes. BUT none of us weighed over 180lbs. 320lbs with long arms? That guy is a beast! And will need that strength to hold off DLmen!
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bapple82 months
That is one large human being.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy82 months
Apple: Do you agree to these terms and conditions? Damien: No. Apple: OK.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy82 months
Apple: Do you agree to these terms and conditions? Damien: No. Apple: OK.
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CHEDBALLZ82 months
If I had arms like that i'd be afraid to beat off.
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Tiger in Carolina82 months
Hilarious. Thanks.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy82 months
Bull Hurley v2
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DownSouthCrawfish82 months
80 push-ups straight isn’t that impressive but for a dude his size that’s pretty damn impressive
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poncho villa82 months
Bull shite. 99% of the population can’t do 50 straight push ups.
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RainMan82 months many pushups would it take to be considered impressive to you?
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STRIPES82 months
80 is impressive for a big man his size. Very impressive.
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LesnarF582 months
Can't wait till he moves to C.
user avatar
Strannix82 months
Wait till Moffitt gets ahold of him...
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