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Location:CEO of the Keith Hernandez Fan Club
Biography:Designated pot stirrer and Trent Johnson fan extraordinaire.
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Registered on:3/18/2004
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tough to read too much into the first exhibition of the summer especially with out Cole and Enzo I cant believe we have not sold or transferred more of these guys Chalobah was told to stay home, so he will be sold soon ...
the biggest tell there is shenanigans afoot is the SS typically has total ownership and control of the site for a POTUS appearance but this time they are acting like they are just a participating agency and not the primary agency responsible which is total BS ...
what is troubling is he didnt bother to prepare anything and no one did it for him its like he didnt know he was speaking that day write five or six sentences and read it then ask for questions how hard is that?...
LFGM! [img]https://i.postimg.cc/25g8t6qD/IMG-1941.jpg[/img]...
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/hGTBZ0VS/IMG-1961.jpg[/img] welcome to chelsea ...
[quote]Jim hit the genetic lottery but was a disappointing pro QB because of his shitty attitude[/quote] WTF? I think he got about as much out of his career as he possibly could. Why would Indy put him in their Ring of Honor if he had a shitty attitude? [quote]As player Indianapolis Colts Rin...

re: 2045/2025 Kit Thread

Posted by supatigah on 7/22/24 at 7:54 pm
new Chelsea kits are arse...
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/zXBXgGB3/cole-baby.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/NFZVFDF6/ini-alasan-sebenarnya-enzo-maresca-terima-tawaran-chelsea.jpg[/img] I feel very good about Tosin [img]https://i.postimg.cc/L80nQZJc/tosin.jpg[/img] the future is bright [img]https://i.postimg.cc/tgt...

re: Conspiracy theories

Posted by supatigah on 7/22/24 at 4:12 pm
[quote]The Deep State has this global black gloved reach. They have access to any means and method you could possibly imagine to easily kill Donald Trump and this is what they cough up? What the frick's the matter with you people? shite.[/quote] my how quickly we forget [embed]https://x.com/...
[quote] No offense - but she isn’t a DEI hire. She has over 20 years with the SS. She left for a few years for the Pepsi gig. That makes it actually worse. She’s in on it. She’s part of the scheme.[/quote] right and an empty suit figurehead as well...
[quote]Keeping in mind I have no strategic real life experience in warfare.[/quote] neither do I [quote]My guess is that it would leave him and Kings Landing open to attack by Rhaenyra's dragons without his own ground support/fleet. The flight from Kings Landing to Dragonstone isn't very far....
one big question I have about this season the Valeryons are using their navy to blockade King's Landing this blockade is cutting off supply lines and starving the small folk of King's Landing everyone is pissed about the blockade and the unrest why doesn't Aemond fly out there on his ma...
[quote]Looking forward to Hope Solo's explanations about her roast beef[/quote] the Doc should be a blow by blow analysis of this video [embed]https://youtu.be/C9WLTXf0vbY?si=omuFSl7Lq-Nt-05w[/embed] by the Kill Tony guys ...

re: Proof of Life?

Posted by supatigah on 7/22/24 at 2:01 pm
[quote]Buy some time for what?[/quote] i wasnt really being serious :cheers:...

re: Proof of Life?

Posted by supatigah on 7/22/24 at 2:00 pm
[quote]Biden might be sick. Not sick enough to require the VP step in, but he could very well be pretty unwell. But that's about the biggest thing this could be.[/quote] agreed if he was incapacitated or dead that is an angle that the DNC would capitalize on immediately first female POTUS...

re: Proof of Life?

Posted by supatigah on 7/22/24 at 1:57 pm
the official story that is out there is the ironically the perfect story to buy some time if something more serious has happened campaign stop in Vegas dropped due to Covid so he would be semi-quarantined to prevent spreading the virus fly home to DE and post up in your home away from public ...

re: Proof of Life?

Posted by supatigah on 7/22/24 at 1:44 pm
[quote]He doesn’t have to be dead. Could he just be incapacitated? Stroke maybe? Idk[/quote] this is my guess, he had a small stroke and they are waiting to see how much he recovers or doesnt recover ...