Ed Ingram is locked in...

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Vernonbrew2245 months
Some foundation for life young man
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MarcusATLSU45 months
Good to see this.
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Woodman45 months
I’m hoping he means until the end of his Senior Season.
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LSUNV45 months
Big Ed just became one of my favorite Tigers
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HC8745 months
You GEAUX Big Ed; set the pace!
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good_2_geaux45 months
Good for him. Let the leaders come forward. This year is about when you are 40 years old with a college degree and a job talking to your kids with about football, about how you were a Tiger and a true teammate. Guess what young football players, life doesn’t always go as planned. Some of the best lessons are taught through adversity. How will you respond?
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tigersauce8545 months
After Saturday... opting out. Respect my decision
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rob6245 months
Here are an idiot.
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Fox McCloud45 months
Amazing that we have to celebrate players not quitting. You would never see such a thing at Alabama.
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luismlg45 months
We are not Bama. When we are we can stop celebrating this. Until then, take baby steps and work with what you have.
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LSU Patrick45 months
Maybe go be a Bama fan. They have plenty of sidewalk fans already.
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Celery45 months
This is the result when your team leaders(Chase, Shelvin, Vincent, Marshall) quit on you. Ed Ingram has character. He is a man. Respect.
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Tigerstark45 months
Is “the end” nigh? I’m hoping so.
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CharlesLSU45 months
In recent times, DW40 is/was not just a leader. He became a Legend. There have been only a few Tigers who have worn this badge. These times need Legends, not just leaders. Legends can cover the program threatening voids. Legends take over where coaches fail them. And, we look to see. We hope to see another Legend soon.
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PensaTigers45 months
Tru. Joe dw lf tm gl. Next up?
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CajunBullet45 months
Always and I mean always finish what you start. Regardless of how bad it seems. You'll be a better person and learn some very valuable life lessons that will benefit one later in life. Geaux Tigers!
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TexasTiger3445 months
Probably one of my favorite quotes as an analogy to sports, working out or life in general: "Don't stop when it hurts, stop when you're done"
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jeff7012145 months
We're with you Ed.
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Drizzt45 months
This man is not a quitter.
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DoubleDown45 months
From last year to this year should be an ESPN documentary in a few short years. Gonna be great. Remember how smug y’all all were last year? Hilarious.
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ArkTiger5545 months
The thing is, if LSU gets a good hire at HC they would be in the hunt for a NC every year. We have won NCs with TWO incompetent coaches. That tells me that if they can do it, then bring on a big name that knows their Xs and Os and we have ourselves a title contender every year. If Napier or the Iowa State coach comes to Red Stick, the SEC will take notice I promise.
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CanebreakCajun45 months
Smug? Coming from a Bama fan, that's hilarious. Dude, you are completely irrelevant. Both on this board and in life, you have zero impact on anything you do.
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TheNolaClap45 months
Smug? Greatest season is college football history. And you wouldn't be about that year?
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panzer45 months
I needed that
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Cosmo45 months
Marshall said this a couple months ago as well
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TigerInCbus45 months
Try 2 weeks ago.
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conman45 months
The leaders are now stepping forward. This needs to carry into next year.
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TigerNSac45 months
Ed you are showing great leadership to "MAN UP" these days. That has become so rare in college sports. Tiger Fans love you for it. God Bless! Geaux Tigers.
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DeafVallyBatnR45 months
How do you know Ed is a communist
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DeafVallyBatnR45 months
My post was in reference to an idiot who posted that has been deleted. My post should have been deleted too.
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ChicageauxDave45 months
Accidental downvote. Fast finger
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brett40845 months
Til the end of this year or next?
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JohnnyU45 months
Why would he be any different than others who left early? It’s the LSU way.
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Dixierebel45 months
I love me some ED Ingram we need more guys like him.
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