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Location:Ft. Lauderdale
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Registered on:11/9/2007
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Rocky Top

Posted by conman on 12/21/24 at 7:49 pm

re: Anyone else miss the bayou bash?

Posted by conman on 12/4/24 at 6:55 am
Nice trip down memory lane. Will never be replicated in this day of ??????
Nashville is a fun town. It could be rainy and very cold that time of year though.
There are some of us that remember the Curley Hallman years. ??

re: LSU-9 vs Vandy

Posted by conman on 11/17/24 at 11:49 am
That Vandy QB gonna eat. He is a gamer.

Team Only Meeting This Week?

Posted by conman on 11/17/24 at 9:13 am
If there are any leaders on this team, they need to step up and now.
Went to two games there in the 80’s before it acquired the “Swamp” name. Never again. I don’t care for that fan base.

re: Will Campbell is not that good.

Posted by conman on 11/10/24 at 10:50 am
Like Perkins, they aren’t coming back.
That Vandy QB is the real deal. He played for New Mexico State last year. The Aggies are always a bottom dweller but they had a very good winning year, beat Auburn last year. The head coach and the qb are now at Vandy.
Ka Mana doesn’t need a single drink to act drunk. She is just plain dumb. She giggled and massaged Willie. That’s how she got her start.

re: Ricky Pearsall was shot.

Posted by conman on 9/1/24 at 6:57 am
Nancy Pelosi and San Francisco Kammy keeping SFO safe. NOT!
Julien Alfred looked like a female Usain Bolt to me. Tall with long legs and that stride. I have always enjoyed watching these elite sprinters. Congratulations to her and Sha.

re: Just got to our Hotel in Chapel Hill

Posted by conman on 5/31/24 at 7:29 am
Go to Merritt’s for excellent BLT sandwiches. Also Franklin Motors for good draft beers and they have a food truck. He’s not here, for the traditional college bar atmosphere. ??

re: Mulkey article is online

Posted by conman on 3/30/24 at 11:01 am
You are exactly correct.
Yup. Where it belongs. :geauxtigers:

re: Tickets for game?

Posted by conman on 12/31/23 at 10:52 am
NIL and opt outs has killed the bowls. Back in the day an invite to a New Years Bowl in Florida was a big thing. No one goes anymore. Watch the sponsorship dry up and bowls outside the playoffs will be gone in a couple of years.


Posted by conman on 12/11/23 at 7:51 pm
He was 50 / 50 on returning to LSU this year. Don’t think he will play in the bowl
game and I don’t blame him.
West Coast Politics.Look at all those nut politicians on the Left Coast. Bunch of clueless Nancy Pelosi’s out there. Congratulations t9 Jayden who overcame the bias.

re: Maason Smith is coming around

Posted by conman on 11/23/23 at 9:45 am
He is a fool or getting bad advice if he declares for the draft. How many times have we seen this? Definitely needs another year.
He should win it. The school must get the media campaign rolling. Lots of people are unaware of him and his stats.