Shanna Lockwood-USA TODAY Sports
Four-star safety Austin Ausberry from University Lab in Baton Rouge announced Monday that he has committed to Auburn, over LSU, Michigan, Alabama, Notre Dame, and Florida.

Ausberry is the son of former LSU player Verge Ausberry who serves as LSU's Executive Deputy Director of Athletics and Executive Director of External Relations for the University.

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The 6-1, 200-pound prospect is rated the No. 7 safety in the country and the No. 8 overall player in the state for 2022, according to Rivals.

For more info on Ausberry, visit his profile page on our Recruiting Tracker.
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Gumbo138 months
Time to fire his father!
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bluebuck138 months
Many here are such rabid and loyal LSU fans, all that matters is who will help us win football games. The realities of young me lives, outside of football, don’t matter much to many. However, those realities don’t go away. Most of the Louisiana kids are aware of how big it is to play for you loyal fans and LSU. They have to live with their life decisions. Missing out play for you and Louisiana is a big deal for them. Gotta love your loyalty and passionno matter your criticism. It won’t be long, before we win another Championship!
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js159138 months
He is tiger bait…
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CTtiger3038 months
Can’t blame him he’s been smothered in LSU his whole life nothing wrong with getting out and going somewhere new
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cypresstiger38 months
If he don't want us, we don't want him
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saintlad7438 months
He will probably go into transfer portal in a year or two
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ThatTahoeOverThere38 months
He must want to be a veterinarian when he grows up. I hear Auburn has one of the best vet programs.
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LSUMBAgrad38 months
Verge ought to go with his son, I am embarrassed for him! All the Title 9 litigation may shorten his tenure anyway.
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BayouBlogger38 months
I wanted to get away from where I grew up. He might realize how bad Auburn is once you tire of the pretty trees or whatever.
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bluebuck138 months
Coach Kelly appears to be the right HC to assemble a team of coaches that will help to build players inner strength and character. An OC and DC are needed for some kids to have a better idea of the anticipated road map to having a successful program with the associated program mentors and coaches.
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bluebuck138 months
Derek Mason makes good men. That is why many LSU fans wanted him at LSU. LSU does not have a defensive coordinator, right now. Corey Raymond is gone. He can not serve as a mentor and is in Florida trying to stop the bleeding. This kid will always bleed purple and gold. LSU is his home. Wisdom is better than smarts. Life is bigger than football. An Ausberry knows that. You go where you sense a mentor can make you into a great man and, secondly, a good or great football player. Sure, we all wanted him at LSU. Most would guess Verge wanted him there more than anyone. We love our Louisiana kids, even if they dream outside of the borders. Great fathers know that kids are separate beings and are not appendages. They also know that your greatest investment in building your worth by building your inner strength and character. NIL money can not do that and material things are the root of all evil. Material things will come, when you have gotten your education, matured and built your character. We are proud of Verge’s hardwork and his young offspring’s talents!
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jglass3lsu38 months
All those cliches jammed into a single post...
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LSUMurple38 months
So dad fired or writing on the wall?
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6R1238 months
Lot's of understandable comments but things that don't add up.... LSU dad in system, other kids wondering why not going to LSU, prepped AT the LSU school, going to another below par city instead of better places/schools, could legit start or play soon. ALL this doesn't add up to me, I smell a rat.
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rob6238 months
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CajunBullet38 months
This sucks!
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BayouBengal9938 months
Auburn??? Lol
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eugene1928LSU38 months
Tiger Bait, No Chest
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Redfish201038 months
Grown men still mad at kids I see. He grew up in LSU’s campus and wants to expand his horizons. Good for him.
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Geaux Guy38 months
I’d want to move away from my parents too.
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Tiger198838 months
This is worse than Cannon Jr going to TAMU.
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bayoucook38 months
Guess LSU didn’t offer enough NIL money.
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