Favorite team:LSU 
Location:New Orleans
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Registered on:3/8/2009
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re: I lost my best friend yesterday

Posted by tilthatday on 7/11/24 at 5:57 pm
That’s a beautiful dog. I can only imagine how much you miss her. Hard for me to write this. I lost my best friend almost a year ago. It gets better but it won’t go away. God bless you both. ...
DEI is an admission that minorities cannot compete on a level field. Despite years of Head Start programs, admission quotas and favorable grading, they aren’t measuring up. So, standardized tests go out the window and performance evaluations disappear. Your race/ethnicity outweighs your lack of abil...

re: NOLA good things

Posted by tilthatday on 6/16/24 at 5:41 pm
If you grew up here, it’s as much a club as a city. You know someone everywhere you go. And if you don’t see them? They see you. The anonymity and transient nature of so many cities simply doesn’t exist here. At least not for natives. The middle and professional classes are small and that 6 degrees ...
Proud of her. Too many times angry, confrontational folks who look like this get their way. Or at least seem to avoid consequences. You go, girl ...
My son is an Ole Miss grad and I’ve spent a good bit of time in Oxford. Have often seen University of Mississippi written on everything you could imagine. But never heard it spoken except at school functions. They say you graduate from the University of Mississippi but you never leave Ole Miss. ...
There’s more than one kind of cancer. That poor child has his disease. This country is afflicted with a different cancer. You see both types in this video. ...
The worse things get, the more support she’ll have. And the more likely to be re-elected if she could run again. Why? Because white folks have left and will continue to leave. Folks who can get out will get out. What’s left? Poor, angry and underachieving blacks with a smattering of weak minded whit...
So much wrong here, I don’t know where to start. Why isn’t this seen by the folks who clapped as the disgrace it is? Check the picture, not a man in sight and I’ll bet not a real job in the crowd. Every one a registered democrat. America, there’s the future. ...
And this made the news. An over protective media wants to be certain to show support, of course. So a minor incident gets major coverage. Why do I think that when an American flag is stolen and burned we’re more likely to hear crickets than see an in-home interview with the flag owner. It’s all ...
“DeSalvo passed away” Spoke to Frank Tuesday. And if you read the news, you’ll find he won a big case in Jefferson parish a few weeks ago. Just for the record. He’s still very much alive. ...
I’m thinking about getting a jeep just because. The whole duck thing never crossed my mind until now. Now I’m wondering if I’ll get a duck or two. If I do, I’ll probably smile and pass them on. ...

re: Dealing with Teenage daughters

Posted by tilthatday on 5/29/24 at 1:52 pm
You might want to remember that she can do anything before 11 that she could have done after 11. Making her come home doesn’t really change anything. Within a few months she will be away at school or in the service. You seem to accept that she will be on your control then. Actually, she is beyond ...
[quote]Entirely too many of you mf put animals on a pedestal. I’m not saying treat the animal like crap or anything like that but can we stop acting like they’re humans?[/quote Pal, there’s something wrong with you. And I’m serious about that. Way too much anger and resentment in that post. Sound...

re: Y'all see Marc Wanaka???

Posted by tilthatday on 5/25/24 at 4:51 pm
He was tossed quickly and for no good reason. Which makes me think the ump knew he was making the wrong call and got defensive and over compensated. ...
We all watched Ole Miss go from the last team selected to the last team standing. Keep the faith. ...
I’m sure you can do an adequate job of explaining the obvious. An industrial society of roughly 22 million people with a standing army in place was able to successfully wear out an agrarian society of 5.5 million that had to raise, train, cloth and provision an army during wartime. Better prepared...
[quote]Truly disgusting all of the death and horror caused by the traitorous confederates[/quote] Or could it have been caused by the Northern invaders? When asked why he was fighting, one rebel replied “because you’re here”. ...

re: What are white people good at

Posted by tilthatday on 5/12/24 at 11:22 am
It is my fondest wish that the first white man to sight the continents of Africa or North America, had turned around and gone back to Europe. I am confident Europe would look much like it does now. Native Americans would still be trying to discover the wheel and Africa would be, well, Africa....

re: Tipping at restaurants

Posted by tilthatday on 4/29/24 at 7:35 am
You’re missing the point again. These restaurants want customers. They will go out of business without patrons. Then no one is better off. And I’m most frustrated by the spread of tipping to new areas where the “service” is minimal and, again, what the business consists of. You sell me a cup of co...

re: Tipping at restaurants

Posted by tilthatday on 4/29/24 at 6:54 am
We’re not talking about the real problem here. The restaurant industry has tricked you into thinking you should pay their employees. And the servers are fine with that because they end up making far more under this tipping scam than any sensible wage would pay. The sole purpose of the restaurant i...