Rick Osentoski-USA TODAY Sports
On Wednesday, former LSU coach Will Wade spoke with reporters ahead of McNeese State's first-round matchup vs. Gonzaga in the NCAA Tournament.

Wade, who was fired from LSU in 2022 following a federal probe, said the investigation ruined "good people's lives for very little."

Wade added that the things that got him and others punished are now "standard operating procedure today." Per ESPN:

"I think it was extremely unfortunate," Wade said Wednesday at the Delta Center as the Cowboys prepped for Thursday's NCAA tournament first-round game against Gonzaga. "I stay in touch with a lot of the people who haven't been as fortunate as me to be able to find a route back."

Wade said he felt the investigations ruined "good people's lives for very little" -- especially with how college sports has changed in the past seven years with the implementation of NIL.

"Everything that some of these people got their lives ruined for, it's standard operating procedure today," Wade said. "It's just extremely disappointing. I wish the NCAA would step in and say, 'Look, we need to let these other folks back in.' We need to get rid of some of these punishments that they had."

"They've been punished. I promise you. They've been punished enough," he added.

"We're never short for excitement on our roller coaster, so, it's been fun," Wade said. "Look, if I didn't get the LSU job, I wouldn't have been introduced to the state of Louisiana. [If I] wasn't at LSU, I wouldn't have been fortunate enough to get this McNeese job [and] have this magical and special season that we've had.

"It'd say it's a net positive."
Filed Under: LSU Basketball
user avatar
DVinBR11 months
Give CMM another year, that gives him 3 years to get the basketball team back to relevance, if we suck again let him go and get CWW back
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HTwsb11 months
They had to get rid of WW because NCAA informed him of violating and he continues anyway. He wasn't as discreet as other coaches in other school.
user avatar
HTwsb11 months
But I wanted WW back for his coaching is fun to watch.
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LSUBB636611 months
F WW. So happy to see Gonzaga blow their bi+ch arses out tonite. Welcome back to the real world
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mla010011 months
The whole thing was a farce! Kansas coach Bill Self was involved and was suspended for a couple of games and win the Natty that year. The NcAA loses every single time they go to court, LSU should have stayed Pat with The General and nothing would have happened, although they were threatening with football penalties so, LSU caved. The NCAA is supposed to aid the stobut it’s a sham organization.
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Tiger2tiga11 months
Self wasn’t on wiretap with the strong as offer and didn’t use his wife’s account. Wade just don’t know how to cheat.
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nolimitnola11 months
Bring The General back.
user avatar
Spankum11 months
I don’t like will wade or what he did, but I am glad he said what he did. Folks need to realize everyone they are affecting when they take actions. He himself is partly to blame for everyone that was hurt.
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CDawson11 months
Thanks Woodward.
user avatar
PhilipMarlowe11 months
You love to see it.
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Vernonbrew2211 months
Gonzaga gonna wear them out and he’ll subsequently be hired by Ga or S Car for a boatload of money. Great story but the cow poke ride ends va Zags. Says $1000
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TyOconner11 months
Rehire Wade
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Davy11 months
Mr. Woodward, I know you read Tiger Droppings. Bring this man back to LSU where he belongs.
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Davy11 months
He’s got freaking McNeese in the tournament!
user avatar
Timeoday11 months
If he gets to the Sweet 16, ...... oh boy!!
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TigersJump11 months
He didn't. They got abused. He's gone and never coming back. Let it go.
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Hampton11 months
Bring him back
user avatar
CrystalPreserves11 months
Get this man back Scott. He’s a winner.
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smash williams11 months
This is Wade basically admitting they were handing out bags like in Blue Chips
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Masonburden6711 months
This is wade basically saying he built lsu up for a dumbass like MM to ruin it all. So what he paid players lol? Nothing happened to lsu you should be grateful he got players here when lsu isn’t necessarily a hot spot to go to the nba you should be happy he coached you to multiple tournaments appearances. Lemme remind you one more time nothing absolutely nothing happened to lsu .
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Northshoretiger8711 months
Will Wade is going to turn a non-basketball or relevant college into a regular tournament contender while lsu sits in obscurity for MBB for the next decade.
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Geauxldninja11 months
"I Will Wade I Will Wade for youuuuuuuuuu!" - Mumford & Sons and me just now.
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Geauxldninja11 months
Bring him back, Scott!!!!
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BillyTheKid11 months
.....I like him.
user avatar
BabyTac11 months
Best coach in the history of LSU basketball.
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PureBlood11 months
Wade blaming LSU for his dumbass paying kids out of a personal bank account. He mignta been a good coach, but puts off Ed O vibes.
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basiletiger11 months
Ed O vibes? Are you a lunatic?
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LSU31611 months
What part of any of that is Will Wade blaming LSU? He didn’t do it but I’ll do it for him LSU should have stood strong by him and not even thought of punishing him. LSU is getting their just dessert for that right now.
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Drizzt11 months
I wish he had put out the Ed O national championship and best season ever vibes.
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