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Location:In a land far far away
Biography:What we've got here is failure to communicate.
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Registered on:2/13/2018
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Ahhhhh the young generation throwing out the GOAT like it’s common water. There can only be one greatest of all time. Sorry to burst your everyone gets a participation trophy generation, but all of you suck.

re: Please NO MORE Basketball Threads

Posted by TigersJump on 2/14/25 at 1:43 pm

Shut up Woody. There's a problem that needs addressing

Like any of you here are going to get anything done but litter the board constantly with a bunch of female tears.


Are we still doing this same shite since 2018?
More Will Wade posts 3 years and running. fricking useless individuals.

re: Does Every Shot Have To Be A 3?

Posted by TigersJump on 2/13/25 at 8:01 pm

That’s today’s analytics. 3’s and layups.

Which has made today’s version of basketball damn near unwatchable. That’s especially true of the NBA, hence why their ratings have dropped 50% the last decade and 28% since last year.

Reading off a paper in front of a crowd can suck

Yes reading off a paper isn’t ideal, but damn that’s the man’s name and you spent a lot of time and money investing in this hire. Kellen is a man with 4 kids. Gayle made him the wife. That’s a mistake you should never make, much less
When asked if he was going to do the play calling still….. “Yes, I’m going to be doing the play calling”. Wants to be a team that stresses the opponent. He doesn’t care if he runs it 50 times or passes it 50 times. The offense will mix in a good bit of up tempo too. Said the team will play smart, fa
I listened to the Kellen Moore introductory press conference. Gayle Benson was the first to speak. She got up there with a written speech and immediately referred to Kellen twice as “Ellen”. I had to rewind it after the first time. Very awkward…… Did it the second time and WTF Gayle??

To the unrealistic negatiger crowd - we won't know, because they don't show up during positive performances.

But GAAAAAA DAMNNNN do they show up in droves from the first below average play in any game in any sport.

We wont. So why worry about it?

Go root for Marcus Freeman then. STFU

re: Dead Period Rumor Mill-Rivals

Posted by TigersJump on 2/10/25 at 4:20 pm

Kid looks like LeBron James

Hopefully just looks like him. A football player that flops and cries wouldn’t work in this sport.

Woodward needs to come out and make a statement that Will Wade is never coming back so us retards still posting about him 3 years later can quit crying about him

It’s the entire Chiefs handshake crew you frick. You either have no clue how things really operate or you definitely know how they operate and stick up for your people. Either way, frick off.

re: worst super bowl halftime ever

Posted by TigersJump on 2/9/25 at 9:24 pm

no need to ever watch


when did this halftime crap begin to be called entertainment? I mean seriously???? can anyone understand one word??

Haven’t watched a halftime performance in over a decade. Just do like me and boycott the entire thing this year. No Taylor Bitch and her team for me.

re: The NFL forced the sale of

Posted by TigersJump on 2/9/25 at 7:30 pm

Who wants to be aligned with pedos?!?!

You must not be familiar with the global organization that oversees the NFL.

At least she had the balls to make Loomis fire DA.

Might be, but she’ll never have the balls to cut loose Loomis and his crew that had a big hand in her even being able to own the team. She won’t do shite to Loomis unfortunately and he knows it.
Have you and tens of thousands of your closet friends all put bags over your heads in unison?

God wanted Loomis fired but Gayle told him no

Should have had that same attitude with the church.