Filed Under: LSU Baseball
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DeafVallyBatnR12 months
Are we talkin practice? Practice, practice, come on man.
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soccerfüt12 months
He should retire now batting a cool 1.000

First ballot HOF.
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Tenntig12 months
Must be a very slow news day.
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Csmims12 months
Batting practice just throwing down the middle at 80
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CallmeSteveo12 months
I miss him!
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Saunson6912 months
MBGA, move mound back 5 feet, lower mound. MLB average is .240. It was .270 just a few years back. No one wants to watch 25 strikeouts happen in a game. That's what it's become.

For all the purist with a stick up your arse, they did this in the 1900s. They moved mound back in response to decrease batting average. Do the same now. If you can't handle that, go out and learn excel or powerpoint or ChatGPT, adapt.
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TigersJump12 months
frick ChatGPT, artificial intelligence and you.
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Jay Quest12 months
I think five feet is too much but moving the mound back two feet is something that should be considered.
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H. E. Pennypacker12 months
I’m mrs nusbaum
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HC8712 months
Looked like one of his patented shots to RCF. Hope he makes it to the 'bigs' this season.
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cdav11412 months
I can't tell if I'm crazy or if the field looks super short
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GoneFishing2112 months
That may be why the outfield fence is so tall and why there’s a large net behind it separating the fields.
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AlwysATgr12 months
LSU on LSU crime.
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LSU_Legz12 months
Pucker up...
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Tshiz12 months
Hate that damn saying. Ruins every highlight
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kciDAtaE12 months
We talking about PRACTICE!
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we not talking bout the games, man…
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tiger10912 months
No, not the game, PRACTICE! Pay a damn-tention
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Timeoday12 months
Cole almost got it by him. Almost .....
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