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re: Philosophical Discussion: Why does the far left keep winning and winning big?

Posted on 4/5/23 at 9:48 am to
Posted by Ole Ag
Member since Oct 2018
2271 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 9:48 am to
The right needs to due better in the primaries. We try and put a good candidate for Oklahoma in Wisconsin or any swing state. We need to take what we can get in swing states, otherwise we are giving it to the left. So candidate quality is problem #1 to me.
Posted by TrussvilleTide
The Endless Void
Member since Sep 2021
4069 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 9:48 am to

Why does the far left keep winning and winning big?

Why is the "far right" like Trump winning?

Bernie and Trump had VERY similar messaging in a macro-sense. What differs is their actual approach to the issues, the border, and obviously stance on social issues that are starting to dominate the discourse because the elites know we can't agree.

What scares the elites is the Bernie people and the Trump people coming together and saying "ok, we might not agree on LGBTQ stuff, abortion, etc, but we do agree that the system is broken and it needs to be fixed before we can even start to dive into any of this other crap", because that means their meal ticket and control is gone. So they, along with the media, keep us focused on small potatoes social stuff: culture war, etc. Not that some of that isn't important, but it doesn't matter if we aren't free anymore.
Posted by jrodLSUke
Member since Jan 2011
23191 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 10:01 am to
It's time we faced the fact that Democrat and Socialists outnumber Republicans and Conservatives by a large number. That, combined with the trend of Libertarians agreeing with Democrats on key issues (Open Borders, Open Trade), Republicans just don't have the numbers to win nationally or in big cities, and likely can't win in 2024 if Libertarians go 3rd party again.
Posted by hogcard1964
Member since Jan 2017
11369 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 10:01 am to
He's not "adding" anything.

They're expecting another mass exodus of LEOs June 30 of this year and 6/30/2024.

His police force could be down 800 by the end of 2024.

Also the budgeted positions for 2023 was just over 14,000, civilian and Leos. Many of the civilian/municipal workers (up to 300) have already transferred to other city departments due to Lightfoot's stupidity. It won't improve with Johnson.

Consider this ...There were 4.6 police officers to 1000 people in 2021. This is expected to now drop to 2-2.5 per thousand.
Posted by Hetfield
Member since Jun 2013
7593 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 10:03 am to
30 & under of all ages & most White women. They have all gone insane.
Posted by jawnybnsc
Greer, SC
Member since Dec 2016
5114 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 10:12 am to
I read that article (A Guide To Understanding the Hoax of The Century - link on Page 1) the other day. It's long, but worth the time.
This post was edited on 4/5/23 at 10:14 am
Posted by Linoge
Member since Jun 2013
1750 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 10:28 am to

The majority of the electorate in this country does not care about or vote on economic issues anymore. The left's messaging has made it where people think made up social issues are the only thing that matters, economy be damned.

This strategy has worked only because we have enjoyed an incredible economy for decades now. With inflation skyrocketing this is changing.

IT will be fascinating to see how things will change in the coming years as America becomes weaker.
Posted by Rex Feral
Member since Jan 2014
12451 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 10:29 am to
The left works harder to register Democrat voters who otherwise wouldn't vote. There are legions of left wing underemployed Gen Zs women that have plenty of time to do this. Conservatives people have jobs and families. We don't have time to go out and register 100 voters every day.

That and Satan is very real. Listen to the people protesting for abortion and sterilization of children. They're allowed demonic spirits to take over their souls. Their evil is palpable.

Most gays and blacks I know don't protest for their rights. It's liberal white women and the weak white men trying to get into these ladies pants that are out there.
Posted by KiwiHead
Auckland, NZ
Member since Jul 2014
29776 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 10:32 am to
The Democrats are better organized too to bottom than Republicans and they rely on a "feeder" system of schools and post grad to connect them. Republicans tend to get into politics out of frustration with the status quo. So as a result as a group they are diffuse. Ex. Ron Johnson in WI was a successful business man who got frustrated with DC and decided to run in 2010. His counterpart Tammy Baldwin is a career politician. She has worked her way up got to know the players, she knows the game because that is her life.

It's not so much that America has gone left. I talk to friends in NY and NJ who could not be confused with leftist, liberal or progressive who are frustrated with the "conservatives" as they see as nothing more than reactionary types...let's see how far to the right we can go. They are not interested in governing and they don't have any policies that the pursue.

The Republicans have a problem that they keep ignoring. Demographics and where those Demographics are....and who they are. The far right of the Republicans keep going after Central and South American illegals, but the greater problem are the legal immigrants who congregate in the big cities....they are somewhat liberal and they want some government involvement and protections.

We Republicans don't pay attention. We have a poor ground game. If you are a political party at some point you have to play politics. Republicans are bad at playing politics.
Posted by Jjdoc
Member since Mar 2016
54026 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 10:34 am to

I am seeking an intelligent discussion so that we can get out of our bubble on here.

You sure? I tried this and you were not really willing.

Many reasons, but they are all by design. Within the design are people who are clueless who are just interested in themselves.

I use to have an avatar of Manning Johnson. When you look at his story, you begin to the design happening at the street level.

Then you need to fast forward to the Communist goals and to FDR. Put those 2 things together. The picture there is that FDR helped out the biggest goal of all. Free Trade with communist nations.

Stay with those communist goals for the USA, and you will see the hands turn back and how each of those goals has changed our society. We have become a breeding ground for their ideals.

The USA citizen was sold on we defeated communism. We did not. We are losing to them. we keep losing to them because we continue to not want to take a hard stand and we place people in power willing to compromise more and more for the sake of "my side won"

You are watching the transition real time. The only thing that is going to change it is a hard line stance and to take over state houses that protect the states and raise up enough people to put America First.

This post was edited on 4/5/23 at 10:47 am
Posted by mikeybates
Member since Sep 2020
238 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 10:37 am to
Why did we lose in 2020? Why did we lose the GA seats in 2021? Why did we lose the GA, AZ, and PA seats in 2022?

Trump. This isn't complicated. He has harmed the party and picks lousy candidates.
This post was edited on 4/5/23 at 10:37 am
Posted by boogiewoogie1978
Little Rock
Member since Aug 2012
17480 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 10:37 am to

Why does the far left keep winning and winning big?

No moral compass
No "real world experience" here (We have it too good)
Because we have it so good young people need something to fight for
Mental illness is on the rise
Over medicated
People are more ignorant/dumber than they used to be
Posted by TomJoadGhost
Member since Nov 2022
1003 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 10:49 am to
It’s pretty simple. Large urban areas have more people. More people brings more diversity. More diversity over time makes people more empathetic towards other demographics. The Democratic Party panders to those other demographics, while the Republican Party often villainizes some of those groups. Y’all think this “groomer” stuff is funny and effective, and in some districts it is. But on the national level, it’s a loser. Same for the abortion topic.

It’s not so much that democrats are winning the battle, in many cases the rhetoric from the Republican Party is losing the battle.
Posted by KiwiHead
Auckland, NZ
Member since Jul 2014
29776 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 10:58 am to
You get it. Republicans or conservatives think that the problem is that we are not conservative enough. That drives off the regular Republicans who may see eye to eye with us on economic policy and partially on non economic issues. The Republican guy in NJ looks at a MTG or even a Ted Cruz and says...." No not for me."
Posted by self_service
Member since Oct 2016
642 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 11:04 am to
Here's my philosophical answer:

First examine modern American culture. If I could describe what American culture is about in one word, I would pick "consumption." It's not unity, family, creativity. It's consumption. Consumerism and self-gratification is pushed down our throats and we think it's good for us.

Success means a better career, a bigger house, a nicer car, more traveling. Hobbies are increasingly being replaced by consumption. In the fall, 80% of this message board will sit on the couch watching college football every Saturday taking it all in. If you ask someone "What kind of stuff do you like to do?", their response is more likely to tell you what they like to consume rather than any productive activities they engage in. And then the rest are probably being dishonest.

Hyperconsumerism with both material items and media/entertainment - self-aggrandizement with social media - we see it all around us. While I don't have a history book or a time machine, I think it's quite likely that Americans in 2023 are the most self-absorbed demographic to ever walk the planet.

Free stuff is part of it. But what precedes the free stuff? The favorite way to start a sentence in modern America is "I deserve". I deserve free college. I deserve a high-paying job. I deserve to marry an attractive millionaire. I deserve $15/hour or whatever that number is up to now. I deserve better.

What do these "deserve" statements have in common? The answer is that none of those are based on any sort of merit. They deserve it for existing. To say you deserve something is empowering. We're told all the time to demand better, not to be better. We're inundated with "positive" messages on self-worth.

Now what does this have to do with politics? Because one major political party will have its voters simultaneously believe "It's my body, my choice" and "You need to get vaccinated or else you could get me sick." It's all about me, me, me.

Of course, Republicans just brand it a different way. They support "individualism" as a concept. But this is where radical individualism has brought us.

A culture shift is required if we want to reverse this. Success isn't just having more. There's real value in raising a family. Career isn't everything, money isn't everything, social media ain't nothing and Netflix/Hollywood is even less than that. However, it's unlikely that any effort to convince Americans to be less self-absorbed will be successful when both they and all major corporations and media companies want to further this mindset.

Posted by Revorising
Member since Jan 2013
559 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 11:06 am to
Posted by Pettifogger
Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone
Member since Feb 2012
80872 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 11:28 am to
The liberal system is inherently disadvantageous to those who have things to lose, at least in terms of gaining power and influence over time.

For example, self preservation likely led to corporations letting the woke in. Over time, the woke began to subvert and ultimately convert their hosts. Those hosts can both influence stupid people and scare productive people into inaction.

And now we're at a point where most people aren't going to make any bold move against leftism because they have families that need support, jobs that pay for those families, etc.

Add to this trying to make any inroads against it in a massive country of hundreds of millions, and it's almost futile. This isn't really philosophical, but it's as "big picture" as I can get it, IMO.

My starting place for a response

- First, we have to make the battleground smaller. This needs to be fought at a state level, or preferably local. We are losing our arse trying to fight this on a nationwide political level.

- Second, we have to build protections for people so they can fight with less risk of losing everything. For example, Florida is beginning to foster a governmental/political culture whereby a business tossing out an employee who outspokenly denies transgenderism is real will have to think twice about raising the ire of the state. Obviously #1 and #2 are closely connected.

Ultimately people will have to put skin the game, but when people on one side disproportionately don't have families, money, meaningful careers, and people on the other side disproportionately do, we have to find a way to help level that playing field.
Posted by ChineseBandit58
Pearland, TX
Member since Aug 2005
44084 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 11:32 am to

discussion that is more intelligent than simply "free shite" and "they cheat"

that's gonna be hard to do - the 'free shite' is what makes the 'they cheat" possible, so it really only boils down to one thing = 'free shite.'

That was the mechanism LBJ realized when he launched the "great society" = and even though he limited his primary focus to a 'minority group' who would vote democrat for the next 200 years, he knew that would just be the seed - the 'free shite' would expand without bound and so the 'cheat' was sealed then and there.

We can describe all that as corruption integrated across the entire federal machinery.

HOWEVER - none of this could have become entrenched were it not for the MEDIA

starting with Nixon, the media realized they could be the 'king-maker' by destroying any king - or wannabe king - they wanted IF ONLY they could all unite under one banner.

The media has made their choice - nobody can win a national election if they do not approve - this is now being sorted down to the state level and to the local level.

And more fundamental than that is the EDUCATION system - where we have turned our children's intellectual/moral development to others

And more fundamental than that is that we have allowed the nuclear family to. become an old fashioned idea

And more fundamental than that is that we have abandoned any allegiance to a "Higher Power" - we have become a society enthralled with 'personal pleasure'

and MOST of that was put on steroids by the "great society"

Many of us have been whimpering about this progression for at least 30 years - perhaps we should have armed up and gone outside.

But we didn't - and "they" won in a forfeit.
Posted by tiggerthetooth
Big Momma's House
Member since Oct 2010
61937 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 11:34 am to

With the Left, there is a tremendous case of blinders of what their side actually is all about. Show a moderate Democrats Libs of TikTok of trannies twerking in front of children and they won't recoil in horror--they will accuse you of it not being true and still vote for Democrats.

This, and the left news cycles flood their air waves with over the top "Republicans pounce" stories.

My other theory is that people still vote culturally and the left still manages to give them a very "in trend" impression. People of higher status just hate going against pop-culture trends and everyone else follows suit.
Posted by rhar61
Member since Nov 2022
5109 posts
Posted on 4/5/23 at 11:37 am to
When the country collapses they will be in control of virtually all the institutions.

That's when everything gets fixed.

Democrats are only successful at blindly pursuing power at any cost and spending other people's money.

Does anybody believe 20 years of DEI hires are going to make anything work better? Has anything worked better in the last 2 years?

Yet the Republican senate caucus is still at least half RINO. Nothing will get done other than nibbling around the edges. The stupidity of the electorate assures that.

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