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Yes... and that tells them the response time etc......

re: Anybody Cancel their Netflix Yet?

Posted by Jjdoc on 7/25/24 at 4:03 pm
Canceled a long time ago...
I don't know that I believe him, but I have no reason to not just yet. He, with great accuracy, got the ear, the side its on right. ...

re: Crowdstrike CRWD

Posted by Jjdoc on 7/23/24 at 2:00 pm
In at 261.45. Selling a call today for a few hundred on it....
Now... I want to hear somebody ask why they left Trump's chest and head exposed when they stood him up....
She has already shown herself to be incompetent. In the questions asked and answered. ...
She knows she can't answer any questions because it points straight to her failure. ...
She just basically said, "don't take what i say as a knock on local Leo, but I'm going to throw them under the bus!" That is the jest of it...
Big Mike ain't going to run...

Obama and Pelosi do not approve of Harris

Posted by Jjdoc on 7/21/24 at 7:34 pm
[quote]1:33 p.m. PT So far, Obama and Pelosi stand out among Democrat leaders for not specifically endorsing Harris. It will be interesting to see whether current elected Democrat politicians (who still must face public opinion) call for the party to get behind Harris or call for an open and comp...
That led us to this point. Won't matter...
It's about as stupid of an idea as stupid can be. You want to raise taxes thus people have less while keeping rates up. In other words they know that inflation will go up due to the taxes...
And he was saying Mike a few weeks ago...
[link=(https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/imf-suggests-raising-taxes-pay-34-trillion-federal/)]LINK[/link] While keeping interest rates up. ...