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Location:Greer, SC
Number of Posts:4972
Registered on:12/15/2016
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The time to think about that was before you put a terrorist organization pledged to the destruction of your neighbor in charge....
Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?...
Most of what you could rightly regard as Palestine is under the ground. What you see above ground is what the Jews built and left for these animals to hollow out....
I don't care what you think of Israel. We don't deprive people of their rights because of their religion or ethnicity. We certainly don't make common cause with or give aid/comfort to people who, given free reign, would exterminate every single Jew without a second thought. ...
Just more evidence of the social and cultural rot that we all know is expanding....
When people in New Orleans talk about The Storm, which storm do you think they're talking about?...
No, it didn't start in 2020, but it sure did go thermonuclear....
Now this emmeffer is gonna tell you he's a Republican. Watch!...
It's been explained to you already. Yes, the data has been manipulated over time. I'm sure there were moments when it was politically expedient to inflate the numbers and moments when it was politically expedient to deflate the numbers. I'll leave it to you to figure out when was when and which w...
Pure horseshite. "Kill the Jews" is not an anti-Israel statement....
You're a stooge, dude. There's no other way to call it. You keep lapping it up right through November....
You can bet your sweet arse that muggings, armed robberies, car-jackings, assaults and a whole range of violent crime in Chicago (and just about everywhere else) are higher than reported and are on an uptick as we speak. The social pathologies are manifest and anyone who ignores or denies them is a ...
[quote]I'm not a fan of murder, violent crime, rape, divorce, teen pregnancy, etc.[/quote] What you do seem to be a fan of is being lied to and dutifully and unquestioningly repeating propaganda. So yeah . . . you do you....
[link=(https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fbis-data-is-faulty-as-crime-proliferates-in-big-cities-report)]Public Safety Group Finds FBI Violent Crime Data Is Higher Than Initially Reported [/link]...
You're satisfied that there are no chain of custody issues? All ballots have verified and/or verifiable signatures? All ballots were submitted on time? All ballots were counted only once? All ballots have been retained and stored as provided by state laws? All ballots were marked only by the voter? ...
Probably should already be in court. Seems a little late....