Favorite team:Louisiana Tech 
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Registered on:6/27/2013
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He can thank the Dallas Cowboys for this contract. They are the gift that keeps on giving. ...
how do TX taxpayers feel about their money being spent on this political grandstanding? ______________________ Completely fine with it & he needs to continue doing it...
Gojira is pretty much the only thing France has going for it right now. ...
It’s a requirement that you have to cut off your penis before you can join. ...
So you are saying you don’t believe there is a “They”?...

re: Zach Bryan @ the Dome tonight

Posted by Hetfield on 7/26/24 at 6:44 am
Anyone notice any upgrades in the renovations to the Dome. Are they finished with them?...

re: Is this pic real?

Posted by Hetfield on 7/25/24 at 9:01 pm
Focus on the pictures of her with Willie Brown & Montell Williams. They really show off her whorish ways. ...
I wish the cashier would have slipped Slayer-Reign in Blood into her bag so she would have been forced to tell the world about it while going through her pre-selected purchases on film. ...

re: Gojira to perform at the Olympics

Posted by Hetfield on 7/25/24 at 6:27 pm
I am not sure the world is ready for the greatness that is Gojira. I have to see this. ...
Wisconsin women are some fat heifers. _____________________________________ Truth. I went to Green Bay last September for the Saints-Packers game. I didn't see one attractive woman the entire trip that wasn't in Saints gear. ...
Can you imagine what names the Elites on MSNBC called those women after that taping was finished? ...
Mark went to the island. Can’t convince me otherwise. ______________________________________ My theory is there is no way he can be this stupid to vote Democrat. I think he is a secret Conservative but can't say it out loud & has to virtue signal for Democrats because he owns an NBA team & you can...
When do they start assigning seats? I read the article, but it didn't mention a date. I have already booked flight through March of next year. ...
I predict Corso suddenly quits & retires right before Labor Day weekend & they replace him with an annoying woman. ...
I'm worried as Hell since it comes as the same time as the Presidential election. White big city/suburban women will be voting for him in droves just because of Abortion & most likely Kamala and this is not good. Cruz should win but I am concerned about places like Harris County dropping mail in bal...
It is real. Move to a big city & you will see up close. I live in a huge metro area in a red state & I know very few White women here who are voting for Trump. The vast majority are voting for Kamala. Abortion is their #1 issue. They are insufferable & do it as they want to keep ahead in their socia...
She is a former AG & Prosecutor & is married to a White Jew. BLM doesn't like these things. ...
NOTHING is real with this administration. It’s amazing how many people can’t see this. ...
She was born in America, raised in Canada, went to an HBCU in the U.S., & became a whore. Focus on the whore part, not her citizenship. ...